<?php namespace React\EventLoop; use Event; use EventBase; use EventConfig as EventBaseConfig; use React\EventLoop\Tick\FutureTickQueue; use React\EventLoop\Tick\NextTickQueue; use React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer; use React\EventLoop\Timer\TimerInterface; use SplObjectStorage; /** * An ext-event based React. */ class ExtEventLoop implements LoopInterface { private $eventBase; private $nextTickQueue; private $futureTickQueue; private $timerCallback; private $timerEvents; private $streamCallback; private $streamEvents = []; private $streamFlags = []; private $readListeners = []; private $writeListeners = []; private $running; public function __construct(EventBaseConfig $config = null) { $this->eventBase = new EventBase($config); $this->nextTickQueue = new NextTickQueue($this); $this->futureTickQueue = new FutureTickQueue($this); $this->timerEvents = new SplObjectStorage(); $this->createTimerCallback(); $this->createStreamCallback(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addReadStream($stream, callable $listener) { $key = (int) $stream; if (!isset($this->readListeners[$key])) { $this->readListeners[$key] = $listener; $this->subscribeStreamEvent($stream, Event::READ); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addWriteStream($stream, callable $listener) { $key = (int) $stream; if (!isset($this->writeListeners[$key])) { $this->writeListeners[$key] = $listener; $this->subscribeStreamEvent($stream, Event::WRITE); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function removeReadStream($stream) { $key = (int) $stream; if (isset($this->readListeners[$key])) { unset($this->readListeners[$key]); $this->unsubscribeStreamEvent($stream, Event::READ); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function removeWriteStream($stream) { $key = (int) $stream; if (isset($this->writeListeners[$key])) { unset($this->writeListeners[$key]); $this->unsubscribeStreamEvent($stream, Event::WRITE); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function removeStream($stream) { $key = (int) $stream; if (isset($this->streamEvents[$key])) { $this->streamEvents[$key]->free(); unset( $this->streamFlags[$key], $this->streamEvents[$key], $this->readListeners[$key], $this->writeListeners[$key] ); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addTimer($interval, callable $callback) { $timer = new Timer($this, $interval, $callback, false); $this->scheduleTimer($timer); return $timer; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addPeriodicTimer($interval, callable $callback) { $timer = new Timer($this, $interval, $callback, true); $this->scheduleTimer($timer); return $timer; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function cancelTimer(TimerInterface $timer) { if ($this->isTimerActive($timer)) { $this->timerEvents[$timer]->free(); $this->timerEvents->detach($timer); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isTimerActive(TimerInterface $timer) { return $this->timerEvents->contains($timer); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function nextTick(callable $listener) { $this->nextTickQueue->add($listener); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function futureTick(callable $listener) { $this->futureTickQueue->add($listener); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function tick() { $this->nextTickQueue->tick(); $this->futureTickQueue->tick(); // @-suppression: https://github.com/reactphp/react/pull/234#discussion-diff-7759616R226 @$this->eventBase->loop(EventBase::LOOP_ONCE | EventBase::LOOP_NONBLOCK); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function run() { $this->running = true; while ($this->running) { $this->nextTickQueue->tick(); $this->futureTickQueue->tick(); $flags = EventBase::LOOP_ONCE; if (!$this->running || !$this->nextTickQueue->isEmpty() || !$this->futureTickQueue->isEmpty()) { $flags |= EventBase::LOOP_NONBLOCK; } elseif (!$this->streamEvents && !$this->timerEvents->count()) { break; } // @-suppression: https://github.com/reactphp/react/pull/234#discussion-diff-7759616R226 @$this->eventBase->loop($flags); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function stop() { $this->running = false; } /** * Schedule a timer for execution. * * @param TimerInterface $timer */ private function scheduleTimer(TimerInterface $timer) { $flags = Event::TIMEOUT; if ($timer->isPeriodic()) { $flags |= Event::PERSIST; } $event = new Event($this->eventBase, -1, $flags, $this->timerCallback, $timer); $this->timerEvents[$timer] = $event; $event->add($timer->getInterval()); } /** * Create a new ext-event Event object, or update the existing one. * * @param resource $stream * @param integer $flag Event::READ or Event::WRITE */ private function subscribeStreamEvent($stream, $flag) { $key = (int) $stream; if (isset($this->streamEvents[$key])) { $event = $this->streamEvents[$key]; $flags = ($this->streamFlags[$key] |= $flag); $event->del(); $event->set($this->eventBase, $stream, Event::PERSIST | $flags, $this->streamCallback); } else { $event = new Event($this->eventBase, $stream, Event::PERSIST | $flag, $this->streamCallback); $this->streamEvents[$key] = $event; $this->streamFlags[$key] = $flag; } $event->add(); } /** * Update the ext-event Event object for this stream to stop listening to * the given event type, or remove it entirely if it's no longer needed. * * @param resource $stream * @param integer $flag Event::READ or Event::WRITE */ private function unsubscribeStreamEvent($stream, $flag) { $key = (int) $stream; $flags = $this->streamFlags[$key] &= ~$flag; if (0 === $flags) { $this->removeStream($stream); return; } $event = $this->streamEvents[$key]; $event->del(); $event->set($this->eventBase, $stream, Event::PERSIST | $flags, $this->streamCallback); $event->add(); } /** * Create a callback used as the target of timer events. * * A reference is kept to the callback for the lifetime of the loop * to prevent "Cannot destroy active lambda function" fatal error from * the event extension. */ private function createTimerCallback() { $this->timerCallback = function ($_, $_, $timer) { call_user_func($timer->getCallback(), $timer); if (!$timer->isPeriodic() && $this->isTimerActive($timer)) { $this->cancelTimer($timer); } }; } /** * Create a callback used as the target of stream events. * * A reference is kept to the callback for the lifetime of the loop * to prevent "Cannot destroy active lambda function" fatal error from * the event extension. */ private function createStreamCallback() { $this->streamCallback = function ($stream, $flags) { $key = (int) $stream; if (Event::READ === (Event::READ & $flags) && isset($this->readListeners[$key])) { call_user_func($this->readListeners[$key], $stream, $this); } if (Event::WRITE === (Event::WRITE & $flags) && isset($this->writeListeners[$key])) { call_user_func($this->writeListeners[$key], $stream, $this); } }; } }