<?php namespace FML\Stylesheet; // Warning: The mood class isn't fully supported yet! // Missing attributes: LDir1.. /** * Class representing a Stylesheet Mood * * @author steeffeen <mail@steeffeen.com> * @copyright FancyManiaLinks Copyright © 2014 Steffen Schröder * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class Mood { /* * Protected properties */ protected $tagName = 'mood'; protected $lAmbient_LinearRgb = null; protected $cloudsRgbMinLinear = null; protected $cloudsRgbMaxLinear = null; protected $lDir0_LinearRgb = null; protected $lDir0_Intens = 1.; protected $lDir0_DirPhi = 0.; protected $lDir0_DirTheta = 0.; protected $lBall_LinearRgb = null; protected $lBall_Intensity = 1.; protected $lBall_Radius = 0.; protected $fogColorSrgb = null; protected $selfIllumColor = null; protected $skyGradientV_Scale = 1.; protected $skyGradientKeys = array(); /** * Create a new Mood object * * @return static */ public static function create() { return new static(); } /** * Set ambient color in which the Elements reflect the light * * @param float $red Red color value * @param float $green Green color value * @param float $blue Blue color value * @return static */ public function setLightAmbientColor($red, $green, $blue) { $this->lAmbient_LinearRgb = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue); return $this; } /** * Set minimum value for the background color range * * @param float $red Red color value * @param float $green Green color value * @param float $blue Blue color value * @return static */ public function setCloudsColorMin($red, $green, $blue) { $this->cloudsRgbMinLinear = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue); return $this; } /** * Set maximum value for the background color range * * @param float $red Red color value * @param float $green Green color value * @param float $blue Blue color value * @return static */ public function setCloudsColorMax($red, $green, $blue) { $this->cloudsRgbMaxLinear = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue); return $this; } /** * Set RGB color of light source 0 * * @param float $red Red color value * @param float $green Green color value * @param float $blue Blue color value * @return static */ public function setLight0Color($red, $green, $blue) { $this->lDir0_LinearRgb = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue); return $this; } /** * Set intensity of light source 0 * * @param float $intensity Light intensity * @return static */ public function setLight0Intensity($intensity) { $this->lDir0_Intens = (float)$intensity; return $this; } /** * Set phi angle of light source 0 * * @param float $phiAngle Phi angle * @return static */ public function setLight0PhiAngle($phiAngle) { $this->lDir0_DirPhi = (float)$phiAngle; return $this; } /** * Set theta angle of light source 0 * * @param float $thetaAngle Theta angle * @return static */ public function setLight0ThetaAngle($thetaAngle) { $this->lDir0_DirTheta = (float)$thetaAngle; return $this; } /** * Set light ball color * * @param float $red Red color value * @param float $green Green color value * @param float $blue Blue color value * @return static */ public function setLightBallColor($red, $green, $blue) { $this->lBall_LinearRgb = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue); return $this; } /** * Set light ball intensity * * @param float $intensity Light ball intensity * @return static */ public function setLightBallIntensity($intensity) { $this->lBall_Intensity = (float)$intensity; return $this; } /** * Set light ball radius * * @param float $radius Light ball radius * @return static */ public function setLightBallRadius($radius) { $this->lBall_Radius = (float)$radius; return $this; } /** * Set fog color * * @param float $red Red color value * @param float $green Green color value * @param float $blue Blue color value * @return static */ public function setFogColor($red, $green, $blue) { $this->fogColorSrgb = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue); return $this; } /** * Set self illumination color * * @param float $red Red color value * @param float $green Green color value * @param float $blue Blue color value * @return static */ public function setSelfIllumColor($red, $green, $blue) { $this->selfIllumColor = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue); return $this; } /** * Set sky gradient scale * * @param float $scale Gradient scale * @return static */ public function setSkyGradientScale($scale) { $this->skyGradientV_Scale = (float)$scale; return $this; } /** * Add a sky gradient key * * @param float $gradientX Scale value * @param string $color Gradient color * @return static */ public function addSkyGradientKey($gradientX, $color) { $gradientX = (float)$gradientX; $color = (string)$color; $gradientKey = array('x' => $gradientX, 'color' => $color); array_push($this->skyGradientKeys, $gradientKey); return $this; } /** * Remove all sky gradient keys * * @return static */ public function removeSkyGradientKeys() { $this->skyGradientKeys = array(); return $this; } /** * Render the Mood XML element * * @param \DOMDocument $domDocument DOMDocument for which the Mood XML element should be rendered * @return \DOMElement */ public function render(\DOMDocument $domDocument) { $moodXml = $domDocument->createElement($this->tagName); if ($this->lAmbient_LinearRgb) { $moodXml->setAttribute('LAmbient_LinearRgb', $this->lAmbient_LinearRgb); } if ($this->cloudsRgbMinLinear) { $moodXml->setAttribute('CloudsRgbMinLinear', $this->cloudsRgbMinLinear); } if ($this->cloudsRgbMaxLinear) { $moodXml->setAttribute('CloudsRgbMaxLinear', $this->cloudsRgbMaxLinear); } if ($this->lDir0_LinearRgb) { $moodXml->setAttribute('LDir0_LinearRgb', $this->lDir0_LinearRgb); } if ($this->lDir0_Intens) { $moodXml->setAttribute('LDir0_Intens', $this->lDir0_Intens); } if ($this->lDir0_DirPhi) { $moodXml->setAttribute('LDir0_DirPhi', $this->lDir0_DirPhi); } if ($this->lDir0_DirTheta) { $moodXml->setAttribute('LDir0_DirTheta', $this->lDir0_DirTheta); } if ($this->lBall_LinearRgb) { $moodXml->setAttribute('LBall_LinearRgb', $this->lBall_LinearRgb); } if ($this->lBall_Intensity) { $moodXml->setAttribute('LBall_Intens', $this->lBall_Intensity); } if ($this->lBall_Radius) { $moodXml->setAttribute('LBall_Radius', $this->lBall_Radius); } if ($this->fogColorSrgb) { $moodXml->setAttribute('FogColorSrgb', $this->fogColorSrgb); } if ($this->selfIllumColor) { $moodXml->setAttribute('SelfIllumColor', $this->selfIllumColor); } if ($this->skyGradientV_Scale) { $moodXml->setAttribute('SkyGradientV_Scale', $this->skyGradientV_Scale); } if ($this->skyGradientKeys) { $skyGradientXml = $domDocument->createElement('skygradient'); $moodXml->appendChild($skyGradientXml); foreach ($this->skyGradientKeys as $gradientKey) { $keyXml = $domDocument->createElement('key'); $skyGradientXml->appendChild($keyXml); $keyXml->setAttribute('x', $gradientKey['x']); $keyXml->setAttribute('color', $gradientKey['color']); } } return $moodXml; } }