2023-10-05 22:10:24 +02:00

1313 lines
47 KiB

* Reverse Cup mode
* based on the mode by BossBravo (
// #RequireContext CSmMode
#Extends "Modes/Nadeo/Trackmania/Base/TrackmaniaRoundsBase.Script.txt"
#Const CompatibleMapTypes "TrackMania\\TM_Race,TM_Race"
#Const Version "2023-10-05"
#Const ScriptName "Modes/TM2020-Gamemodes/TM_ReverseCup.Script.txt"
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Libraries
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
#Include "TextLib" as TL
#Include "MathLib" as ML
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/CMGame/Utils/Semver.Script.txt" as Semver
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Trackmania/MainMenu/Constants.Script.txt" as Menu_Const
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Trackmania/Modes/CupCommon/Constants.Script.txt" as CupCommon_Const
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Trackmania/Modes/Cup/StateManager.Script.txt" as StateMgr
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMGame/Modes/Base/UIModules/ScoresTable_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_ScoresTable
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMGame/Modes/Base/UIModules/Checkpoint_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_Checkpoint
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMGame/Modes/Base/UIModules/PauseMenuOnline_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_PauseMenu_Online
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMGame/Modes/Base/UIModules/BigMessage_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_BigMessage
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Settings
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
#Setting S_WarmUpNb 0 as _("Number of warm up")
#Setting S_WarmUpDuration 20 as _("Duration of one warm up")
#Setting S_WarmUpTimeout -1 as _("Warm up timeout")
#Setting S_NbOfWinners 1 as _("Number of winners")
#Setting S_FinishTimeout -1 as _("Finish timeout")
#Setting S_ComplexPointsRepartition "" as "JSON of PointsRepartition depending for the number of the Players Alive" // Example: {"3": [3, 6, 10], "4,5": [1, 3, 6,10]}
#Setting S_PointsRepartition "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20"
#Setting S_RoundsPerMap 5 as _("Number of rounds per map") ///< Number of round to play on one map before going to the next one
#Setting S_PointsStartup 100 as _("Points at start")
#Setting S_DisableLastChance False as _("When a player reach 0 points he is automatically eliminated")
#Setting S_AllowFastForwardRounds True as _("If whatever the issue of the round, all players will be in Last Chance, the round will be skipped to the next without playing it (all players will be in LastChance).")
#Setting S_FastForwardPointsRepartition True as "Accelerate the distribution of points when the number of players alive decreases "
#Setting S_DNF_LossPoints 20 as _("Number of points for player that give up a round")
#Setting S_LastChance_DNF_Mode 0 as "0 = Every Players in Last Chance who DNF will be eliminated | 1 = Only the Player in Last Chance who passed the less checkpoints and DNF will be eliminated, others will stay alive"
#Setting S_NbOfPlayers 0 as "Number of players awaited before starting the match (0 is automatic)"
#Setting S_EnableCollisions False
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Constants
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
#Const C_ModeName "Reverse Cup"
#Const Description _("$zThe cup mode consists of $<$t$6F9a series of races on multiple maps$>.\n\nWhen you finish a race in a bad $<$t$6F9position$>, you loose $<$t$6F9points$> substracted from your total.\nServers might propose warmup races to get familiar with a map first.\n\nTo win, you must be the last player with points. Once you are a LastChance, if you finish a race last you will be eliminated.The cup mode ends once there is one player left.")
#Const C_HudModulePath "" //< Path to the hud module
#Const C_ManiaAppUrl "file://Media/ManiaApps/Nadeo/Trackmania/Modes/Cup.Script.txt" //< Url of the mania app
#Const C_FakeUsersNb 0
#Const C_UploadRecord True
#Const C_DisplayRecordGhost False
#Const C_DisplayRecordMedal False
#Const C_CelebrateRecordGhost True
#Const C_CelebrateRecordMedal True
#Const C_Color_LastChance "FF0000"
#Const C_Color_Eliminated "FF0000"
#Const C_Color_Spectator "48DA36"
#Const C_Text_LastChance "Last Chance"
#Const C_Text_Eliminated _("|Status|Eliminated")
#Const C_Text_Spectator _("|Status|Spectator")
#Const C_Points_LastChance -1000
#Const C_Points_Eliminated -2000
#Const C_Points_Spectator -10000
#Struct K_MatchInfo {
Boolean RegistrationClosed;
Text[] Participants;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Globales
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
declare Integer G_NbOfValidRounds;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Extends
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
Log::RegisterScript(ScriptName, Version);
Log::RegisterScript(Semver::ScriptName, Semver::Version);
Log::RegisterScript(StateMgr::ScriptName, StateMgr::Version);
MB_Settings_UseDefaultHud = (C_HudModulePath == "");
MB_Settings_UseDefaultPodiumSequence = False;
if (C_HudModulePath != "") Hud_Load(C_HudModulePath);
ClientManiaAppUrl = C_ManiaAppUrl;
// Hide SM Overlay
UIManager.UIAll.OverlayHideSpectatorInfos = True;
UIManager.UIAll.OverlayHideCountdown = True;
// Unload default UI
foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
switch (Event.Type) {
// Initialize players when they join the server
case CSmModeEvent::EType::OnPlayerAdded: {
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
if (Server_MatchInfo.RegistrationClosed && !Server_MatchInfo.Participants.exists(Event.Player.User.Login)) {
Scores::SetPlayerMatchPoints(Event.Player.Score, C_Points_Spectator);
// Equivalent of getCustomPoints:
declare netwrite Text[][Text] Net_TMGame_ScoresTable_CustomPoints for Teams[0] = [];
Net_TMGame_ScoresTable_CustomPoints[Event.Player.User.WebServicesUserId] = [C_Text_Spectator, C_Color_Spectator];
declare netwrite Integer Net_ReverseCup_LiveRanking_Update for Teams[0] = 0;
Net_ReverseCup_LiveRanking_Update += 1;
declare Integer Server_PointsLimit;
declare Integer Server_RoundsPerMap;
declare Integer Server_NbOfWinners;
declare Integer Server_DNF_LossPoints;
declare Text Server_ComplexPointsRepartition;
// Initialize mode
Scores::EnablePlayerNegativePoints(True, True, True);
Server_PointsLimit = S_PointsStartup;
Server_RoundsPerMap = S_RoundsPerMap;
Server_NbOfWinners = S_NbOfWinners;
Server_DNF_LossPoints = S_DNF_LossPoints;
Server_ComplexPointsRepartition = S_ComplexPointsRepartition;
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
Server_MatchInfo = K_MatchInfo {};
declare netwrite Text Net_ScriptEnvironment for Teams[0] = S_ScriptEnvironment;
if (Net_ScriptEnvironment != S_ScriptEnvironment) {
Net_ScriptEnvironment = S_ScriptEnvironment;
G_NbOfValidRounds = 0;
UpdateScoresTableFooter(S_PointsStartup, S_RoundsPerMap, G_NbOfValidRounds, S_NbOfWinners);
// Add bot when necessary
Users_SetNbFakeUsers(C_FakeUsersNb, 0);
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
if (!Server_MatchInfo.RegistrationClosed) {
if (S_NbOfPlayers != 0) {
declare Integer FuturStartTime = 0;
declare Integer Last_PlayersNb = -1;
while (MB_MapIsRunning() && (FuturStartTime == 0 || FuturStartTime > Now)) {
if (Last_PlayersNb != Players.count) {
Last_PlayersNb = Players.count;
if (Last_PlayersNb < S_NbOfPlayers) {
UIModules_BigMessage::SetMessage(_("Waiting for players"));
FuturStartTime = 0;
} else if (Last_PlayersNb > S_NbOfPlayers) {
UIModules_BigMessage::SetMessage("Too many players");
FuturStartTime = 0;
} else {
UIModules_BigMessage::SetMessage("Match starting in 3 seconds");
ModeUtils::PlaySound(CUIConfig::EUISound::PhaseChange, 0);
FuturStartTime = Now + 3000;
foreach (Player in Players) {
if (Player.User == Null) continue;
if (Player.Score == Null) continue;
Scores::SetPlayerMatchPoints(Player.Score, S_PointsStartup);
//UIModules_ScoresTable::DisplayOnly(Server_MatchInfo.Participants); // Bugged
foreach (Spectator in Spectators) {
if (Spectator.User == Null) continue;
if (Spectator.Score == Null) continue;
Scores::SetPlayerMatchPoints(Spectator.Score, C_Points_Spectator);
Server_MatchInfo.RegistrationClosed = True;
// Warm up
foreach (Score in Scores) {
if (Score.User != Null && Server_MatchInfo.Participants.exists(Score.User.Login) && Score.Points >= C_Points_LastChance) {
WarmUp::CanPlay(Score, True);
} else {
WarmUp::CanPlay(Score, False);
UIModules_ScoresTable::SetFooterInfo(_("Warm up"));
MB_WarmUp(S_WarmUpNb, S_WarmUpDuration * 1000, S_WarmUpTimeout * 1000);
declare netwrite Integer Net_ReverseCup_LiveRanking_Update for Teams[0] = 0;
Net_ReverseCup_LiveRanking_Update += 1;
if (_Player.User == Null) return False;
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
if (!Server_MatchInfo.Participants.exists(_Player.User.Login)) return False;
if (Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(_Player.Score) < C_Points_LastChance) return False;
if (S_EnableCollisions) {
Race::SetNetworkMode(False, False);
UsePvPCollisions = True;
UsePvECollisions = True;
} else {
!Race_Settings_IsLocalMode && !S_IsSplitScreen && S_TrustClientSimu,
!Race_Settings_IsLocalMode && !S_IsSplitScreen && S_UseCrudeExtrapolation
UsePvPCollisions = False;
UsePvECollisions = False;
ModeUtils::PlaySound(CUIConfig::EUISound::PhaseChange, 0);
if (S_RoundsPerMap > 0) {
UIModules_BigMessage::SetMessage(_("Round: ") ^ TL::ToText(G_NbOfValidRounds + 1) ^ " / " ^ TL::ToText(S_RoundsPerMap));
} else {
UIModules_BigMessage::SetMessage(_("Round: ") ^ TL::ToText(G_NbOfValidRounds + 1));
declare Integer Round_NbPlayersInThisRound = 0;
UpdateScoresTableFooter(S_PointsStartup, S_RoundsPerMap, G_NbOfValidRounds, S_NbOfWinners);
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
foreach (Score in Scores) {
if (Score.User == Null) continue;
if (Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score) < C_Points_LastChance) continue;
if (!Server_MatchInfo.Participants.exists(Score.User.Login)) continue;
Round_NbPlayersInThisRound += 1;
// Update dossard color
foreach (Player in Players) {
if (Player.Score != Null && Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Player.Score) == C_Points_LastChance) {
Player.Dossard_Color = <0.7, 0., 0.>;
} else {
Player.Dossard_Color = Race::C_DossardColor_Default;
// Manage race events
declare Events::K_RaceEvent[] RacePendingEvents = Race::GetPendingEvents();
foreach (Event in RacePendingEvents) {
// Waypoint
if (Event.Type == Events::C_Type_Waypoint) {
if (Event.Player != Null) {
if (Event.IsEndRace) {
// Start the countdown if it's the first player to finish
if (EndTime <= 0) {
EndTime = GetFinishTimeout();
if (Event.IsEndLap) {
// Manage mode events
foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
if (Event.HasBeenPassed || Event.HasBeenDiscarded) continue;
if (Net_ScriptEnvironment != S_ScriptEnvironment) {
Net_ScriptEnvironment = S_ScriptEnvironment;
// Server info change
if (Server_PointsLimit != S_PointsStartup ||
Server_RoundsPerMap != S_RoundsPerMap ||
Server_NbOfWinners != S_NbOfWinners ||
Server_DNF_LossPoints != S_DNF_LossPoints) {
Server_PointsLimit = S_PointsStartup;
Server_RoundsPerMap = S_RoundsPerMap;
Server_NbOfWinners = S_NbOfWinners;
Server_DNF_LossPoints = S_DNF_LossPoints;
UpdateScoresTableFooter(S_PointsStartup, S_RoundsPerMap, G_NbOfValidRounds, S_NbOfWinners);
if (Server_ComplexPointsRepartition != S_ComplexPointsRepartition) {
Server_ComplexPointsRepartition = S_ComplexPointsRepartition;
EndTime = -1;
if (Semver::Compare(XmlRpc::GetApiVersion(), ">=", "2.1.1")) {
Scores::XmlRpc_SendScores(Scores::C_Section_PreEndRound, "");
if (Round_ForceEndRound || Round_SkipPauseRound || Round_Skipped) {
// Cancel points
foreach (Score in Scores) {
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Score, 0);
// Do not launch the forced end round sequence after a pause
if (!Round_SkipPauseRound) {
} else {
// Get the last round points
UIManager.UIAll.ScoreTableVisibility = CUIConfig::EVisibility::ForcedVisible;
UIManager.UIAll.UISequence = CUIConfig::EUISequence::EndRound;
// Add them to the total scores
UIManager.UIAll.ScoreTableVisibility = CUIConfig::EVisibility::Normal;
UIManager.UIAll.UISequence = CUIConfig::EUISequence::Playing;
if (MatchIsOver()) {
} else if (MapIsOver()) {
if (MB_MatchIsRunning()) {
} else {
declare CSmScore Eliminated <=> Scores::GetBestPlayer(Scores::C_Sort_MatchPoints);
ModeUtils::PlaySound(CUIConfig::EUISound::EndRound, 0);
if (!MB_Private_SkipPodiumSequence) {
declare Text[] WinnersNames;
foreach (Player in Players) {
if(!Spectators.exists(Player)) {
if (Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Player.Score) >= C_Points_LastChance) {
if (Player.User.ClubTag == "") {
} else {
WinnersNames.add("[$<"^Player.User.ClubTag^"$>] " ^ Player.User.Name);
if(WinnersNames.count >= 1) {
UIModules_BigMessage::SetMessage(TL::Compose(_("$<%1$> wins the match!"), TL::Join(", ", WinnersNames)));
UIManager.UIAll.SendChat(TL::Compose(_("$<%1$> wins the match!"), TL::Join(", ", WinnersNames)));
} else {
declare CUIConfig::EUISequence PrevUISequence = UIManager.UIAll.UISequence;
UIManager.UIAll.UISequence = CUIConfig::EUISequence::Podium;
UIManager.UIAll.ScoreTableVisibility = CUIConfig::EVisibility::ForcedVisible;
UIManager.UIAll.ScoreTableVisibility = CUIConfig::EVisibility::Normal;
UIManager.UIAll.UISequence = PrevUISequence;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Functions
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
Void UpdateDNFLossPoints(Integer _DNF_LossPoints) {
declare netwrite Integer Net_ReverseCup_DNF_LossPoints for Teams[0] = 0;
Net_ReverseCup_DNF_LossPoints = _DNF_LossPoints;
/** Update the scores table footer text
* @param _PointsLimit The points limit
* @param _RoundsPerMap The number of rounds per map
* @param _ValidRoundsNb Number of valid rounds played
* @param _NbOfWinners Number of Winners
Void UpdateScoresTableFooter(Integer _PointsLimit, Integer _RoundsPerMap, Integer _ValidRoundsNb, Integer _NbOfWinners) {
declare Text[] Parts;
declare Text Message = "";
if (_PointsLimit > 0) {
if (Parts.count > 0) Message ^= "\n";
Message ^= """%{{{Parts.count + 1}}}{{{_PointsLimit}}}""";
//L16N [TM_Cup_Online] Number of points to reach to win the match.
Parts.add("Initial health : ");
if (_RoundsPerMap > 0) {
if (Parts.count > 0) Message ^= "\n";
Message ^= """%{{{Parts.count + 1}}}{{{ML::Min(_ValidRoundsNb+1, _RoundsPerMap)}}}/{{{_RoundsPerMap}}}""";
//L16N [Rounds] Number of rounds played during the map.
Parts.add(_("Rounds : "));
if (_NbOfWinners > 1) {
if (Parts.count > 0) Message ^= "\n";
Message ^= """%{{{Parts.count + 1}}}{{{_NbOfWinners}}}""";
//L16N [Rounds] Number of rounds played during the map.
Parts.add(_("Nb of Winners : "));
switch (Parts.count) {
case 0: UIModules_ScoresTable::SetFooterInfo(Message);
case 1: UIModules_ScoresTable::SetFooterInfo(TL::Compose(Message, Parts[0]));
case 2: UIModules_ScoresTable::SetFooterInfo(TL::Compose(Message, Parts[0], Parts[1]));
case 3: UIModules_ScoresTable::SetFooterInfo(TL::Compose(Message, Parts[0], Parts[1], Parts[2]));
Void UpdateComplexPointsRepartition(Text _ComplexPointsRepartition) {
declare Integer[][Integer] Server_ComplexPointsRepartition for This = [];
Server_ComplexPointsRepartition = [];
declare Integer[][Text] TextComplexPointsRepartition;
foreach (TextMultipleRemainingPlayers => PointsRepartition in TextComplexPointsRepartition) {
declare Text[] MultipleRemainingPlayers = TL::Split(",", TextMultipleRemainingPlayers);
foreach (TextRemainingPlayers in MultipleRemainingPlayers) {
Server_ComplexPointsRepartition[TL::ToInteger(TextRemainingPlayers)] = PointsRepartition;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Get the time left to the players to finish the round after the first player
* @return The time left in ms
Integer GetFinishTimeout() {
declare Integer FinishTimeout = 0;
if (S_FinishTimeout >= 0) {
FinishTimeout = S_FinishTimeout * 1000;
} else {
FinishTimeout = 5000;
if (Map.TMObjective_IsLapRace && Race::GetLapsNb() > 0 && Map.TMObjective_NbLaps > 0) {
FinishTimeout += ((Map.TMObjective_AuthorTime / Map.TMObjective_NbLaps) * Race::GetLapsNb()) / 6;
} else {
FinishTimeout += Map.TMObjective_AuthorTime / 6;
return Now + FinishTimeout;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Announce a new looser in the chat
* @param _Name The name of the new looser
* @param _Rank The rank of the new looser
Void AnnounceEliminated(Text _Name, Integer _Rank) {
declare Text Message = "";
switch (_Rank) {
case 1: Message = TL::Compose("$f90$i$<%1$> takes 1st place!", _Name);
case 2: Message = TL::Compose("$f90$i$<%1$> takes 2nd place!", _Name);
case 3: Message = TL::Compose("$f90$i$<%1$> takes 3rd place!", _Name);
default: Message = TL::Compose("$f90$i$<%1$> takes %2th place!", _Name, TL::ToText(_Rank));
Integer[] GetPointsRepartition(Integer _NbPlayersInThisRound) {
declare Integer[] PointsRepartition;
declare Integer[][Integer] Server_ComplexPointsRepartition for This = [];
if (Server_ComplexPointsRepartition.existskey(_NbPlayersInThisRound)) {
PointsRepartition = Server_ComplexPointsRepartition[_NbPlayersInThisRound];
} else {
PointsRepartition = PointsRepartition::GetPointsRepartition();
if (S_FastForwardPointsRepartition && _NbPlayersInThisRound > PointsRepartition.count) {
foreach (Score in Scores) {
if (_NbPlayersInThisRound <= PointsRepartition.count) break;
declare Integer Points = Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score);
if (Points > C_Points_Spectator && Points <= C_Points_Eliminated) {
PointsRepartition = PointsRepartition.slice(1, PointsRepartition.count - 1);
return PointsRepartition;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/// Compute the latest race scores
Void ComputeLatestRaceScores(Integer _NbPlayersInThisRound) {
// Points distributed between all players
declare Integer Key = 0;
declare CSmPlayer[] LastChancePlayersDNF_WithWorstCheckpoints;
declare Integer MinCheckpointNbPassed = 9999;
declare Integer[] PointsRepartition = GetPointsRepartition(_NbPlayersInThisRound);
foreach (Score in Scores) {
// Skip Spectators and already eliminated players
if (Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score) < C_Points_LastChance) continue;
if (Scores::GetPlayerPrevRaceTime(Score) > 0) {
declare Integer Points = 0;
if (PointsRepartition.count > 0) {
if (PointsRepartition.existskey(Key)) {
Points = 0 - PointsRepartition[Key];
} else {
Points = 0 - PointsRepartition[PointsRepartition.count - 1];
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Score, Points);
Key += 1;
} else {
// Apply DNF penality if Disconnected
if (Score.User == Null) {
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Score, 0 - S_DNF_LossPoints);
declare CSmPlayer Player <=> GetPlayer(Score.User.Login);
// Apply DNF penality if Disconnected
if (Player == Null) {
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Score, 0 - S_DNF_LossPoints);
if(S_LastChance_DNF_Mode == 1) {
if(Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score) == C_Points_LastChance) {
if(Player.LapWaypointTimes.count < MinCheckpointNbPassed) {
MinCheckpointNbPassed = Player.LapWaypointTimes.count;
} else if(Player.LapWaypointTimes.count == MinCheckpointNbPassed) {
} else if (Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score) > C_Points_LastChance) {
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Score, 0 - S_DNF_LossPoints);
} else {
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Score, 0 - S_DNF_LossPoints);
if(S_LastChance_DNF_Mode == 1) {
foreach(Player in LastChancePlayersDNF_WithWorstCheckpoints) {
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Player.Score, 0 - S_DNF_LossPoints);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/// Compute the map scores
Void ComputeScores() {
declare Boolean RoundIsValid = False;
declare Integer NbOfEliminated = 0;
declare CSmScore[] NewEliminated;
declare Integer MaxRoundPoints = 0;
foreach (Score in Scores) {
if (MaxRoundPoints > Scores::GetPlayerRoundPoints(Score) && Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score) > C_Points_Eliminated) MaxRoundPoints = Scores::GetPlayerRoundPoints(Score);
foreach (Score in Scores) {
if (Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score) == C_Points_Spectator) continue;
if (!RoundIsValid && Scores::GetPlayerRoundPoints(Score) < 0) RoundIsValid = True;
declare Integer NewMatchPoints = Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score) + Scores::GetPlayerRoundPoints(Score);
// Already loose
if (NewMatchPoints < C_Points_Eliminated) {
NbOfEliminated += 1;
// New LastChance looser
else if (NewMatchPoints > C_Points_LastChance && NewMatchPoints <= 0) {
if(S_DisableLastChance == False) {
Scores::SetPlayerMatchPoints(Score, C_Points_LastChance);
} else {
NbOfEliminated += 1;
// New looser
else if (NewMatchPoints > C_Points_Eliminated && NewMatchPoints < C_Points_LastChance && Scores::GetPlayerRoundPoints(Score) == MaxRoundPoints) {
NbOfEliminated += 1;
// Already LastChance and not last
else if (Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score) == C_Points_LastChance && Scores::GetPlayerRoundPoints(Score) != MaxRoundPoints) {
Scores::SetPlayerMatchPoints(Score, C_Points_LastChance);
// Standard round finish
else {
Scores::AddPlayerMatchPoints(Score, Scores::GetPlayerRoundPoints(Score));
if (NewMatchPoints < C_Points_Eliminated) Scores::SetPlayerMatchPoints(Score, C_Points_Eliminated);
Scores::AddPlayerMapPoints(Score, Scores::GetPlayerRoundPoints(Score));
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Score, 0);
if(NewEliminated.count > 0) {
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
declare Integer Rank = Server_MatchInfo.Participants.count - NbOfEliminated + 1;
foreach (Score in NewEliminated) {
Scores::SetPlayerMatchPoints(Score, C_Points_Eliminated - Rank);
if (Score.User != Null) {
AnnounceEliminated(Score.User.Name, Rank);
if (RoundIsValid) G_NbOfValidRounds += 1;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Check if we should go to the next map
* @return True if it is the case, false otherwise
Boolean MapIsOver() {
if (S_RoundsPerMap > 0 && G_NbOfValidRounds >= S_RoundsPerMap) return True;
return False;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Check if we have found all the loosers
* @return True if the match is over, false otherwise
Boolean MatchIsOver() {
Log::Log("[Cup] MatchIsOver() check | S_PointsStartup : "^S_PointsStartup);
declare Integer NbOfPlayersActive = 0;
foreach (Score in Scores) {
if (Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score) >= C_Points_LastChance) NbOfPlayersActive += 1;
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
if (Server_MatchInfo.Participants.count == 1) {
return NbOfPlayersActive == 0;
return S_NbOfWinners >= NbOfPlayersActive;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Check round before playing it, if necessary to fast forward it
Void DisplayCustomPoints() {
// Display Spectator, LastChance & Eliminated UI
declare Text[][Text] CustomPoints;
foreach (Score in Scores) {
if (Score.User == Null) continue;
if (Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score) == C_Points_LastChance) {
CustomPoints[Score.User.WebServicesUserId] = [C_Text_LastChance, C_Color_LastChance];
} else if (Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score) == C_Points_Spectator) {
CustomPoints[Score.User.WebServicesUserId] = [C_Text_Spectator, C_Color_Spectator];
} else if (Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score) <= C_Points_Eliminated) {
CustomPoints[Score.User.WebServicesUserId] = [C_Text_Eliminated, C_Color_Eliminated];
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Check round before playing it, if necessary to fast forward it
Void CheckRoundBeforePlay(Integer _NbPlayersInThisRound) {
if(S_AllowFastForwardRounds == True) {
declare Integer[] PointsRepartition = GetPointsRepartition(_NbPlayersInThisRound);
declare Boolean IsRoundFastForwardCompatible = True;
// Check if no players are LastChance or have more points than the minimum points
foreach (Score in Scores) {
declare Integer PlayerMatchPoints = Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score);
if (PlayerMatchPoints == C_Points_LastChance || PlayerMatchPoints > PointsRepartition[0]) {
IsRoundFastForwardCompatible = False;
// if no one, do :
if(IsRoundFastForwardCompatible == True) {
foreach (Score in Scores) {
declare Integer PlayerMatchPoints = Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score);
if (PlayerMatchPoints > C_Points_Eliminated) {
Scores::SetPlayerMatchPoints(Score, C_Points_LastChance);
ModeUtils::PlaySound(CUIConfig::EUISound::EndRound, 0);
UIModules_BigMessage::SetMessage("$c00This round is fast-forwarded. Every remaining players are now in Last Chance.");
Void UpdateLiveRaceUI() {
declare netwrite Integer Net_ReverseCup_LiveRanking_Update for Teams[0] = 0;
Net_ReverseCup_LiveRanking_Update += 1;
Void SetManialink_LiveRace() {
declare Text MLText = """
<manialink name="ReverseCup_LiveRace" version="3">
<style class="text-title" textfont="GameFontBlack" textcolor="ffffff" textsize="0.7" halign="center" valign="center" textprefix="$i"/>
<framemodel id="player-model">
<quad id="quad-player-bg" pos="0 0" z-index="0" size="43 5" bgcolor="000" opacity="1" />
<quad id="quad-player-button" pos="0 0" z-index="1" size="60 5" bgcolor="000" opacity="0" scriptevents="1"/>
<label id="label-player-rank" class="text-title" pos="3 -2" z-index="2" textsize="1.5" size="20 5"/>
<label id="label-player-name" class="text-title" pos="7 -2" z-index="2" textsize="1.5" size="25 5" halign="left"/>
<label id="label-player-scorediff" pos="35 -2" z-index="2" size="6 5" textsize="1.5" halign="center" valign="center"/>
<label id="label-player-points" class="text-title" pos="40 -2" z-index="2" size="5 5" textsize="1" />
<quad id="quad-player-cp-time-bg" pos="43 0" z-index="0" size="17 5" bgcolor="009B5F" opacity="0.7"/>
<label id="label-player-cp-time" class="text-title" pos="59 -2" z-index="2" textsize="1.5" size="15 6" halign="right"/>
<frame pos="60 0" size="7 5">
<frame id=frame-roundpoints pos="-7 0" hidden="1">
<quad z-index="0" size="7 5" bgcolor="000" opacity="0.5"/>
<label id="label-player-roundpoints-value" class="text-title" pos="6.5 -2" z-index="2" halign="right" textsize="1.5" size="6 6"/>
<frame id="frame-global" pos="-160 50">
<frame id="frame-toggle" pos="58 -2.5" >
<quad id="Toggle_SettingButton" pos="0 0" size="4 4" class="quad-base" z-index="3" opacity="0.9" scriptevents="1" halign="center" valign="center" image="file://Media/Manialinks/Nadeo/CMGame/Utils/Icons/128x128/" colorize="fff"/>
<frame id="frame-UI">
<quad id="quad-bg" pos="0 0" z-index="-1" size="60 14" bgcolor="000" opacity="0.5" /><!-- 16 + (ML::Max(NB_Players,16) * 5) -->
<label class="text-title" pos="30 -5" textsize="3" z-index="0" size="50 10" textprefix="$i$t" text="Live Race"/>
<frame id="frame-players" pos="0 -12">
<frameinstance pos="0 0" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -5" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -10" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -15" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -20" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -25" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -30" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -35" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -40" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -45" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -50" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -55" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -60" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -65" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -70" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
<frameinstance pos="0 -75" hidden="1" modelid="player-model"/>
#Include "TextLib" as TL
#Include "MathLib" as ML
#Const C_Color_LastChance {{{dump(C_Color_LastChance)}}}
#Const C_Color_Eliminated {{{dump(C_Color_Eliminated)}}}
#Const C_Color_Spectator {{{dump(C_Color_Spectator)}}}
#Const C_Text_LastChance {{{dump(C_Text_LastChance)}}}
#Const C_Text_Eliminated {{{dump(C_Text_Eliminated)}}}
#Const C_Text_Spectator {{{dump(C_Text_Spectator)}}}
#Const C_Points_LastChance {{{dump(C_Points_LastChance)}}}
#Const C_Points_Eliminated {{{dump(C_Points_Eliminated)}}}
#Const C_Points_Spectator {{{dump(C_Points_Spectator)}}}
#Struct K_PlayerState {
Ident ScoreId;
Text Login;
Text Name;
Integer PrevRank;
Integer CurRank;
Integer CPNb;
Integer LastCPTime;
Integer RaceTime;
Integer Delta;
Integer Points;
Integer RoundPoints;
Boolean IsNotPlaying;
Boolean Finished;
Void DevLog(Text _LogText) {
declare netread Text Net_ScriptEnvironment for Teams[0] = "production";
if (Net_ScriptEnvironment == "development") log("[RVC] " ^ _LogText);
Void Sleep(Integer _Duration) {
declare EndTime = Now + _Duration;
while (Now < EndTime) {
CSmPlayer GetPlayer(Text _Login) {
foreach (Player in Players) {
if (Player.User != Null && Player.User.Login == _Login) return Player;
return Null;
Text TimeToText(Integer _Time) {
if (_Time < 1000) {
return TL::FormatReal(_Time / 1000., 3, False, False);
declare TimeWithoutMs = _Time / 10;
declare TimeInSeconds = TimeWithoutMs / 100.;
if (TimeInSeconds <= 10.) {
return TL::FormatReal(TimeInSeconds, 2, False, False);
} else if (TimeInSeconds <= 100.) {
return TL::FormatReal(TimeInSeconds, 1, False, False);
return TL::ToText(ML::FloorInteger(TimeInSeconds));
Boolean InputPlayerIsSpectator() {
if (InputPlayer == GUIPlayer) return False;
return True;
Void ToggleUI() {
declare CMlFrame Frame_Global <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-global") as CMlFrame);
declare CMlFrame Frame_UI <=> (Frame_Global.GetFirstChild("frame-UI") as CMlFrame);
declare CMlQuad Quad_Toggle <=> (Frame_Global.GetFirstChild("Toggle_SettingButton") as CMlQuad);
declare Real GlobalEndPosX;
if (Frame_UI.Visible) {
Quad_Toggle.RelativePosition_V3.X = 5.;
GlobalEndPosX = -220.;
AnimMgr.Add(Frame_UI, "<frame hidden=\"1\" />", Now, 250, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::Linear);
} else {
Quad_Toggle.RelativePosition_V3.X = 0.;
GlobalEndPosX = -160.;
Frame_UI.Visible = True;
AnimMgr.Add(Frame_Global, "<frame pos=\"" ^GlobalEndPosX^" "^Frame_Global.RelativePosition_V3.Y^ "\" />", Now, 250, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::Linear);
Void SpectateLogin(Text _Login) {
Void UpdateRankingPlayer(CMlControl _Control_Player, K_PlayerState _PlayerState) {
declare CMlFrame Frame_Player <=> (_Control_Player as CMlFrame);
if (Frame_Player == Null) return;
if (!Frame_Player.Visible) Frame_Player.Visible = True;
// Set Rank
declare CMlLabel Label_Player_Rank <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("label-player-rank") as CMlLabel);
Label_Player_Rank.Value = TL::ToText(_PlayerState.CurRank);
// Set Name
declare CMlLabel Label_Player_Name <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("label-player-name") as CMlLabel);
Label_Player_Name.Value = _PlayerState.Name;
// Set Points
declare CMlLabel Label_Player_Points <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("label-player-points") as CMlLabel);
if (_PlayerState.Points <= C_Points_Eliminated) Label_Player_Points.Value = "";
else if (_PlayerState.Points == C_Points_LastChance) Label_Player_Points.Value = "$f00LC";
else Label_Player_Points.Value = "" ^_PlayerState.Points;
// Set background opacity (if playing or spectated)
declare CMlQuad Quad_Player_Bg <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("quad-player-bg") as CMlQuad);
if (GUIPlayer != Null && GUIPlayer.User.Login == _PlayerState.Login) Quad_Player_Bg.Opacity = 0.3;
else Quad_Player_Bg.Opacity = 0.;
// Set Spectate Button
declare CMlQuad Quad_Player_Button <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("quad-player-button") as CMlQuad);
declare Text ReverseCup_QuadPlayerButton_Login for Quad_Player_Button = "";
if (_PlayerState.IsNotPlaying) ReverseCup_QuadPlayerButton_Login = "";
else ReverseCup_QuadPlayerButton_Login = _PlayerState.Login;
// Set CP Time Background
declare netread Boolean Net_Race_WarmupHelpers_IsWarmupActive for Teams[0];
declare CMlQuad Quad_Player_CP_Time_Background <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("quad-player-cp-time-bg") as CMlQuad);
if (_PlayerState.Points <= C_Points_Eliminated) Quad_Player_CP_Time_Background.BgColor = <0.839, 0.098, 0.098>;
else if (Net_Race_WarmupHelpers_IsWarmupActive) Quad_Player_CP_Time_Background.BgColor = <0.96, 0.35, 0.14>;
else Quad_Player_CP_Time_Background.BgColor = <0., 0.608, 0.373>;
// Set CP Time
declare CMlLabel Label_Player_CP_Time <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("label-player-cp-time") as CMlLabel);
if (_PlayerState.Points <= C_Points_Eliminated) Label_Player_CP_Time.Value = "Eliminated";
else if (_PlayerState.IsNotPlaying && !_PlayerState.Finished) Label_Player_CP_Time.Value = "DNF";
else if (_PlayerState.CurRank == 1) Label_Player_CP_Time.Value = TL::TimeToText(_PlayerState.LastCPTime, True, True);
else if (_PlayerState.LastCPTime == 0) Label_Player_CP_Time.Value = "-";
else Label_Player_CP_Time.Value = "+" ^ TimeToText(_PlayerState.Delta);
// RoundPoints
declare CMlFrame Frame_RoundPoints <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("frame-roundpoints") as CMlFrame);
declare netread Integer Net_ReverseCup_DNF_LossPoints for Teams[0];
declare CMlLabel Label_Player_RoundPoints_Value <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("label-player-roundpoints-value") as CMlLabel);
if (_PlayerState.RoundPoints != 0) {
Label_Player_RoundPoints_Value.Value = "" ^ _PlayerState.RoundPoints;
if (!Frame_RoundPoints.Visible && (-Net_ReverseCup_DNF_LossPoints != _PlayerState.RoundPoints || _PlayerState.IsNotPlaying)) {
AnimMgr.Add(Frame_RoundPoints, "<frame hidden=\"0\" pos=\"0 0\"/>", Now, 150, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::Linear);
} else if (Frame_RoundPoints.Visible && -Net_ReverseCup_DNF_LossPoints == _PlayerState.RoundPoints && !_PlayerState.IsNotPlaying) {
AnimMgr.Add(Frame_RoundPoints, "<frame hidden=\"1\" pos=\"-7 0\"/>", Now, 150, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::Linear);
} else if (_PlayerState.RoundPoints == 0 && Frame_RoundPoints.Visible) {
AnimMgr.Add(Frame_RoundPoints, "<frame hidden=\"1\" pos=\"-7 0\"/>", Now, 150, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::Linear);
// Set Scores Diff
if (_PlayerState.PrevRank > 0 && _PlayerState.PrevRank != _PlayerState.CurRank && _PlayerState.Points > C_Points_Eliminated) {
Frame_Player.RelativePosition_V3.Y = ML::ToReal((_PlayerState.PrevRank - 1) * -5);
declare Real NewRankPosY = ML::ToReal((_PlayerState.CurRank - 1) * -5);
AnimMgr.Add(Frame_Player, "<frame pos=\"0 "^NewRankPosY^"\" />", 250, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::QuadOut);
declare CMlLabel Label_Player_ScoreDiff <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("label-player-scorediff") as CMlLabel);
declare Text Color;
if (_PlayerState.PrevRank > _PlayerState.CurRank) {
Label_Player_ScoreDiff.Value = "⏶";
Color = "009B5F";
} else {
Label_Player_ScoreDiff.Value = "⏷";
Color = "d61919";
AnimMgr.Add(Label_Player_ScoreDiff, "<label opacity=\"1\" textcolor=\""^Color^"\" />", Now, 200, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::QuadOut);
AnimMgr.Add(Label_Player_ScoreDiff, "<label opacity=\"0\" textcolor=\""^Color^"\" />", Now + 10000, 200, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::QuadOut);
} else if (_PlayerState.Points <= C_Points_Eliminated) {
declare CMlLabel Label_Player_ScoreDiff <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("label-player-scorediff") as CMlLabel);
Label_Player_ScoreDiff.Opacity = 0.;
Void UpdateRankings() {
declare CMlFrame Frame_Players <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-players") as CMlFrame);
declare K_PlayerState[][Integer][Integer] Ranking; // Ranking[<CP number>][<Time>][<Players>]
declare Integer GlobalLastCPTime = -1;
// Set Scores and Players info to Ranking Array
foreach (Score in Scores) {
if (Score.User == Null) continue;
if (Score.Points == C_Points_Spectator) continue;
declare Integer CurrentRank for Score = -1;
declare K_PlayerState PlayerState = K_PlayerState {
Name = Score.User.Name,
Login = Score.User.Login,
ScoreId = Score.Id,
PrevRank = CurrentRank,
Points = Score.Points,
RoundPoints = Score.RoundPoints,
IsNotPlaying = True
declare CSmPlayer Player <=> GetPlayer(Score.User.Login);
if (Player != Null) {
PlayerState.CPNb = Player.RaceWaypointTimes.count;
PlayerState.IsNotPlaying = (Player.SpawnStatus == CSmPlayer::ESpawnStatus::NotSpawned);
PlayerState.Finished = (Score.PrevRaceTimes.count != 0);
if (PlayerState.CPNb > 0) {
PlayerState.LastCPTime = Player.RaceWaypointTimes[PlayerState.CPNb - 1];
if (GlobalLastCPTime < PlayerState.LastCPTime) GlobalLastCPTime = PlayerState.LastCPTime;
if (!Ranking.existskey(PlayerState.CPNb)) Ranking[PlayerState.CPNb] = K_PlayerState[][Integer];
if (!Ranking[PlayerState.CPNb].existskey(PlayerState.LastCPTime)) Ranking[PlayerState.CPNb][PlayerState.LastCPTime] = K_PlayerState[];
// Sort Ranking by CP Count
Ranking = Ranking.sortkeyreverse();
declare Integer Index = 0;
declare CSmPlayer FirstPlayer;
declare Integer MinDelta = 0;
foreach (CPNb => Value in Ranking) {
// Sort Times for this CP
Ranking[CPNb] = Ranking[CPNb].sortkey();
foreach (CPTime => PlayerStates in Ranking[CPNb]) {
foreach (Key => Dummy in PlayerStates) { // If multiple players have the same time
// Variable Dummy = PlayerState but is Read-Only. So I redefine it here:
declare K_PlayerState PlayerState = Ranking[CPNb][CPTime][Key];
if (!Scores.existskey(PlayerState.ScoreId)) continue;
declare Integer CurrentRank for Scores[PlayerState.ScoreId];
CurrentRank = Index + 1;
PlayerState.CurRank = CurrentRank;
if (FirstPlayer == Null && PlayerState.Login != "") {
FirstPlayer <=> GetPlayer(PlayerState.Login);
if (Index != 0) {
declare Integer Delta;
if (PlayerState.Login != "" && CPNb > 0) {
if (FirstPlayer.RaceWaypointTimes.existskey(CPNb)) { // Get Delta Time based on the next CP if needed (if the player is slow during the CP)
Delta = ML::Max(PlayerState.LastCPTime - FirstPlayer.RaceWaypointTimes[CPNb - 1], GlobalLastCPTime - FirstPlayer.RaceWaypointTimes[CPNb]);
} else {
Delta = PlayerState.LastCPTime - FirstPlayer.RaceWaypointTimes[CPNb - 1];
// Store the Minimal Delta for before the 1st CP
if (Delta > MinDelta) {
MinDelta = Delta;
} else {
Delta = MinDelta;
PlayerState.Delta = Delta;
UpdateRankingPlayer(Frame_Players.Controls[Index], PlayerState);
Index += 1;
if (Index >= 16) break;
if (Index >= 16) break;
if (Index >= 16) break;
declare Integer Last_NbOfPlayers for Frame_Players = 0;
// Manage if Nb Of players changed
if (Last_NbOfPlayers != Index) {
Last_NbOfPlayers = Index;
// Set
declare CMlQuad Quad_Bg <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-bg") as CMlQuad);
Quad_Bg.Size.Y = ML::ToReal(15 + (Last_NbOfPlayers * 5));
// Hide other Frame_Players
while (Index < Frame_Players.Controls.count) {
if (Frame_Players.Controls[Index].Visible) {
Frame_Players.Controls[Index].Visible = False;
Index += 1;
} else {
main() {
DevLog("Starting ReverseCup Live Rank");
declare netread Integer Net_ReverseCup_LiveRanking_Update for Teams[0] = -1;
declare Integer Last_Update;
declare Integer Last_UpdateTime;
wait(InputPlayer != Null);
while(True) {
foreach(Event in PendingEvents) {
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Event.Type: " ^ Event.Type);
if (Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseClick) {
if (TL::Find("player-", Event.ControlId, True, True) && InputPlayerIsSpectator()) {
declare Text ReverseCup_QuadPlayerButton_Login for Event.Control = "";
if (ReverseCup_QuadPlayerButton_Login != "") {
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Spectate " ^ ReverseCup_QuadPlayerButton_Login);
} else if (Event.ControlId == "Toggle_SettingButton") {
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Toggle UI");
} else if (Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseOver && TL::Find("quad-player-button", Event.ControlId, True, True) && InputPlayerIsSpectator()) {
declare Quad <=> (Event.Control as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = .2;
} else if (Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseOut && TL::Find("quad-player-button", Event.ControlId, True, True)) {
declare Quad <=> (Event.Control as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = 0.;
if (Last_Update != Net_ReverseCup_LiveRanking_Update) {
DevLog("Received an update from the server");
Last_Update = Net_ReverseCup_LiveRanking_Update;
if (Last_UpdateTime == -1) Last_UpdateTime = Now + 250;
if (Last_UpdateTime != -1 && Last_UpdateTime < Now) {
DevLog("Update Scores");
Last_UpdateTime = -1;
Layers::Create("ReverseCup_LiveRace", MLText);
Layers::SetType("ReverseCup_LiveRace", CUILayer::EUILayerType::Normal);