Initial commit of DebugMode
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
* This mode is used to debug your modes during development.
* To use it, you just have to change the line below to put the path of your mode:
#Extends "Modes/TrackMania/TM_TimeAttack_Online.Script.txt"
// #RequireContext CSmMode
#Setting S_DebugLib_RestrictUIto "" as "Restrict UI Admin to comma separated logins (all if empty)"
#Const C_DebugMode_MainUI "DebugMode_MainUI"
#Include "TimeLib" as TiL
#Include "MathLib" as ML
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/ModeLibs/Common/Utils.Script.txt" as ModeUtils
Layers::Create(C_DebugMode_MainUI, GetManialink());
Layers::SetType(C_DebugMode_MainUI, CUILayer::EUILayerType::Normal);
if (S_DebugLib_RestrictUIto == "") {
} else {
foreach (Login in TL::Split(",", S_DebugLib_RestrictUIto)) {
declare CSmPlayer Player = GetPlayer(Login);
if (Player != Null) Layers::Attach(C_DebugMode_MainUI, Player);
// Manage Custom UI Events
foreach (Event in UIManager.PendingEvents) {
switch (Event.CustomEventType) {
case "DebugMode.ClearLogs": {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "Logs cleared";
case "DebugMode.Bots.DelBots": {
declare Text Name = Event.CustomEventData[0];
declare Integer NumberOfBots = TL::ToInteger(Event.CustomEventData[1]);
if (NumberOfBots == -1) {
} else {
foreach (Player in AllPlayers) {
if (Player.IsFakePlayer) {
if (Name == "" || TL::ToLowerCase(Player.User.Name) == TL::ToLowerCase(Name)) {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "Bots: Remove bot \"" ^ Player.User.Name ^ "\"\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
NumberOfBots -= 1;
} else {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "Bots: Player not found\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
if (NumberOfBots == 0) break;
case "DebugMode.Bots.AddBots": {
declare Text Name = Event.CustomEventData[0];
declare Integer TeamId = TL::ToInteger(Event.CustomEventData[1]);
if (TeamId == -1 && Event.CustomEventData[1] == "") TeamId = 0;
declare Integer NumberOfBots = TL::ToInteger(Event.CustomEventData[2]);
if (TeamId != -1 && Teams.existskey(TeamId)) {
for (I, 1, NumberOfBots) {
declare CUser User = Users_CreateFake(Name, TeamId);
if (User != Null) {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "Bots: Add bot \"" ^ User.Name ^ "\"\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
} else {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "Bots: unknown error while adding bot \"" ^ Name ^ "\"\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
} else {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "Bots: Invalid TeamId\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
case "DebugMode.PlayersControl.Set": {
declare Text TargetText = Event.CustomEventData[2];
declare CSmPlayer[] Targets;
if (TargetText == "allbots" || TargetText == "allplayers") {
foreach (Player in Players) {
if (TargetText == "allbots" && !Player.IsFakePlayer) continue;
} else {
declare CSmPlayer TmpPlayer = GetPlayer(TargetText);
if (TmpPlayer != Null) {
declare Real[] Speed;
foreach (SpeedText in TL::Split(",", Event.CustomEventData[0])) {
Speed.add(ML::Clamp(TL::ToReal(SpeedText), -999., 999.));
if (Speed.count > 0) {
declare Real[] Steer;
foreach (SteerText in TL::Split(",", Event.CustomEventData[1])) {
Steer.add(ML::Clamp(TL::ToReal(SteerText), -1., 1.));
foreach (Target in Targets) {
Target.TrustClientSimu = False;
SetPlayerVehicle_ControlledByMode(Target, True);
declare Real SteerValue;
if (Steer.count == 2) {
SteerValue = ML::Rand(Steer[0] , Steer[1]);
} else if (Steer.count == 1) {
SteerValue = Steer[0];
} else {
SteerValue = 0.;
SetPlayerVehicle_SteerValue(Target, SteerValue);
declare Real SpeedValue;
if (Speed.count == 1) {
SpeedValue = Speed[0];
} else {
SpeedValue = ML::Rand(Speed[0], Speed[1]);
SetPlayerVehicle_TargetSpeedValue(Target, SpeedValue);
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "PlayersControl: Set Player " ^ Target.User.Name ^ " speed to " ^ SpeedValue ^ " & steer to " ^ SteerValue ^ "\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
} else {
foreach (Target in Targets) {
SetPlayerVehicle_ControlledByMode(Target, False);
Race::ApplyNetworkMode(Target); //< Restore TrustClientSimu to its default value
case "DebugMode.ForVars.Dump.Teams0": {
declare Text tmp = Net_DebugMode_Logs;
Net_DebugMode_Logs = "";
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "Teams[0] dump:\n" ^ Dbg_DumpDeclareForVariables(Teams[0], False) ^"\n" ^ tmp;
case "DebugMode.ForVars.Dump.UIAll": {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "UIAll dump:\n" ^ Dbg_DumpDeclareForVariables(UIManager.UIAll, False) ^"\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
case "DebugMode.ForVars.Dump.This": {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "This dump:\n" ^ Dbg_DumpDeclareForVariables(This, False) ^"\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
case "DebugMode.ForVars.Dump.Player": {
declare CSmPlayer Player;
if (TL::Length(Event.CustomEventData[0]) == 36) {
Player <=> ModeUtils::GetPlayerFromAccountId(Event.CustomEventData[0]);
} else if (TL::Length(Event.CustomEventData[0]) == 22) {
Player <=> GetPlayer(Event.CustomEventData[0]);
} else {
foreach (TmpPlayer in AllPlayers) {
if (TL::ToLowerCase(Event.CustomEventData[0]) == TL::ToLowerCase(TmpPlayer.User.Name)) {
Player <=> TmpPlayer;
if (Player != Null) {
if (Event.CustomEventData[1] == "player") {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "Player ForVars dump for " ^ Player.User.Name ^ ":\n" ^ Dbg_DumpDeclareForVariables(Player, False) ^"\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
} else if (Event.CustomEventData[1] == "score") {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "Score ForVars dump for " ^ Player.User.Name ^ ":\n" ^ Dbg_DumpDeclareForVariables(Player.Score, False) ^"\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
} else {
declare CUIConfig UI = UIManager.GetUI(Player);
if (UI != Null) {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "UI ForVars dump for " ^ Player.User.Name ^ ":\n" ^ Dbg_DumpDeclareForVariables(UI, False) ^"\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
} else {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "UI ForVars dump for " ^ Player.User.Name ^ ": no UI found (it's a bot?)\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
} else {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "ForVars dump: player not found\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
default: {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "Custom Event received: " ^ Event.CustomEventType ^"\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "CSmMode PendingEvent: " ^ Event.Type ^"\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
if (Event.Type == CSmModeEvent::EType::OnPlayerAdded) {
if (Event.Player != Null && TL::Split(",", S_DebugLib_RestrictUIto).exists(Event.Player.User.Login)) {
Layers::Attach(C_DebugMode_MainUI, Event.Player);
foreach (Event in XmlRpc.PendingEvents) {
if (Event.Type == CXmlRpcEvent::EType::CallbackArray) {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "XmlRpc PendingEvent: " ^ Event.ParamArray1 ^"\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
} else {
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "XmlRpc PendingEvent: " ^ Event.Param1 ^"\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
declare RacePendingEvents = Race::GetPendingEvents();
foreach (Event in RacePendingEvents) {
declare Text Type = "Unknown";
switch (Event.Type) {
case 1: Type = "Waypoint";
case 2: Type = "GiveUp";
case 3: Type = "Respawn";
case 4: Type = "SkipOutro";
case 5: Type = "StartLine";
case 6: Type = "Eliminated";
Net_DebugMode_Logs = Prefix ^ "Race Pending Event: " ^ Type ^"\n" ^ Net_DebugMode_Logs;
declare Integer CurrentTimeStamp = TL::ToInteger(TiL::GetCurrent());
declare Integer Hours = (CurrentTimeStamp / 3600) % 24;
declare Integer Minutes = (CurrentTimeStamp / 60) % 60;
declare Integer Seconds = CurrentTimeStamp % 60;
declare Text Prefix = "[";
if (Hours < 10) Prefix ^= "0" ^ Hours ^ ":";
else Prefix ^= Hours ^ ":";
if (Minutes < 10) Prefix ^= "0" ^ Minutes ^ ":";
else Prefix ^= Minutes ^ ":";
if (Seconds < 10) Prefix ^= "0" ^ Seconds;
else Prefix ^= Seconds;
Prefix ^= "] ";
declare netwrite Text Net_DebugMode_Logs for Teams[0];
declare netwrite Integer Net_DebugMode_Logs_Serial for Teams[0];
Net_DebugMode_Logs_Serial += 1;
Text GetManialink() {
return """
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<manialink name="DebugMode_UI" version="3">
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<style class="rightpanel-text-button" halign="center" valign="center2" textsize="1" textcolor="FFFFFFFF"/>
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<label class="leftpanel-text" size="24 3" pos="0 -2" text="Log return"/>
<frame pos="0 -4">
<quad id="quad-leftpanel-bot" class="leftpanel-button" size="26 4" pos="-1 0" bgcolor="fff" opacity="0" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="leftpanel-text" size="24 3" pos="0 -2" text="Bot Management"/>
<frame pos="0 -8">
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<label class="leftpanel-text" size="24 3" pos="0 -2" text="Players control"/>
<frame pos="0 -12">
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<label class="leftpanel-text" size="24 3" pos="0 -2" text="Custom Event Builder"/>
<frame pos="0 -16">
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<label class="leftpanel-text" size="24 3" pos="0 -2" text="ForVars dumper"/>
<frame id="frame-rightpanel" pos="26 0">
<frame id="frame-rightpanel-logs">
<quad id="quad-clearlogs" class="button" pos="0 0" size="15 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="14 3" pos="7.5 -2" text="Clear logs"/>
<frameinstance pos="16 0" modelid="framemodel-tooltip" tooltip="The time displayed is UTC for a technical reason"/>
<textedit id="textedit-logs" textformat="Script" class="text" pos="0 -5" size="72 48" autonewline="1" focusareacolor1="000000f0" focusareacolor2="000000f0"/>
<frame id="frame-rightpanel-bot" hidden=1>
<label class="text" size="13 3" pos="0 -1" text="Bot Name:"/>
<entry id="entry-bots-name" class="entry" pos="0 -6" size="72 4" />
<frame pos="0 -10">
<label class="text" size="16 3" pos="0 -1" text="Bot Team Id:"/>
<frameinstance pos="16 0" modelid="framemodel-tooltip" tooltip="TeamId is ignored for deletion"/>
<entry id="entry-bots-teamid" class="entry" pos="0 -6" size="72 4"/>
<frame pos="0 -20">
<quad id="quad-bots-delbots-50" class="button" pos="0 0" size="6 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
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<frame pos="7 -20">
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<frame pos="14 -20">
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<frame pos="20 -20">
<quad id="quad-bots-delbots-all" class="button" pos="0 0" size="7 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="6 3" pos="3.5 -2" text="Clear"/>
<frame pos="28 -20">
<quad id="quad-bots-addbots-1" class="button" pos="0 0" size="5 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="4 3" pos="2.5 -2" text="+1"/>
<frame pos="34 -20">
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<frame pos="41 -20">
<quad id="quad-bots-addbots-50" class="button" pos="0 0" size="6 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="5 3" pos="3 -2" text="+50"/>
<frame id="frame-rightpanel-playerscontrol" hidden=1>
<label class="text" size="8 3" pos="0 -1" text="Speed:"/>
<frameinstance pos="8 0" modelid="framemodel-tooltip" tooltip="Set an empty value to reset, a single value to set it, or comma separated 2 values to select a random value between the two"/>
<entry id="entry-playerscontrol-speed" class="entry" pos="0 -6" z-index="0" size="72 4"/>
<frame pos="0 -10">
<label class="text" size="8 3" pos="0 -1" text="Steer:"/>
<frameinstance pos="8 0" modelid="framemodel-tooltip" tooltip="Set single value between -1. and 1. to set it, or comma separated 2 values to select a random value between the two"/>
<entry id="entry-playerscontrol-steer" class="entry" pos="0 -6" size="72 4" default="0." />
<frame pos="0 -20">
<label class="text" size="20 3" pos="0 -1" text="Send config to:"/>
<frame pos="0 -5">
<quad id="quad-playerscontrol-player-visible" class="button" pos="0 0" size="15 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="0 3" pos="7.5 -2" text="Visible"/>
<frame pos="16 -5">
<quad id="quad-playerscontrol-player-allbots" class="button" pos="0 0" size="15 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="0 3" pos="7.5 -2" text="All Bots"/>
<frame pos="32 -5">
<quad id="quad-playerscontrol-player-allplayers" class="button" pos="0 0" size="15 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="0 3" pos="7.5 -2" text="All Players"/>
<frame id="frame-rightpanel-customevent" hidden=1>
<label class="text" size="30 3" pos="0 -1" text="Custom Event Name:"/>
<entry id="entry-customevent-name" class="entry" pos="0 -6" size="72 4" />
<frame pos="0 -10">
<label class="text" size="30 3" pos="0 -1" text="Custom Event Data:"/>
<frameinstance pos="25 0" modelid="framemodel-tooltip" tooltip="Use commas to separate data"/>
<entry id="entry-customevent-data" class="entry" pos="0 -6" size="72 4" />
<frame pos="0 -20">
<quad id="quad-sendcustomevent" class="button" pos="0 0" size="25 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="23 3" pos="12.5 -2" text="Send Custom Event"/>
<frame id="frame-rightpanel-forvars" hidden=1>
<frame pos="0 0">
<quad id="quad-forvars-dumpthis" class="button" pos="0 0" size="47 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="46 3" pos="23.5 -2" text="Dump This "For" variables"/>
<frame pos="0 -5">
<quad id="quad-forvars-dumpteams0" class="button" pos="0 0" size="47 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="46 3" pos="23.5 -2" text="Dump Teams[0] "For" variables"/>
<frame pos="0 -10">
<quad id="quad-forvars-dumpuiall" class="button" pos="0 0" size="47 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="46 3" pos="23.5 -2" text="Dump UIAll "For" variables"/>
<frame pos="0 -15">
<label class="text" size="10 3" pos="0 -1" text="Player:"/>
<frameinstance pos="10 0" modelid="framemodel-tooltip" tooltip="Use login, Account Id or Nickname"/>
<label class="text" size="10 3" pos="18 -1" text="Auto fill:"/>
<frame pos="29 0">
<quad id="quad-forvars-autofill-me" class="button" pos="0 0" size="7 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="6 3" pos="3.5 -2" text="Me"/>
<frame pos="37 0">
<quad id="quad-forvars-autofill-visible" class="button" pos="0 0" size="10 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="9 3" pos="5 -2" text="Visible"/>
<entry id="entry-forvars-player" class="entry" pos="0 -6" size="72 4"/>
<frame pos="0 -25">
<frame pos="0 0">
<quad id="quad-forvars-player-player" class="button" pos="0 0" size="15 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="0 3" pos="7.5 -2" text="Player"/>
<frame pos="16 0">
<quad id="quad-forvars-player-score" class="button" pos="0 0" size="15 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="0 3" pos="7.5 -2" text="Score"/>
<frame pos="32 0">
<quad id="quad-forvars-player-ui" class="button" pos="0 0" size="15 4" z-index="-1" bgcolor="666" opacity="0.5" scriptevents="1"/>
<label class="rightpanel-text-button" size="0 3" pos="7.5 -2" text="UI"/>
<!--<frameinstance pos="20 -10" modelid="framemodel-tooltip" tooltip="OMG This is a very very long tooltip, so important"/>-->
#Include "TextLib" as TL
#Include "MathLib" as ML
// #RequireContext CSmMlScriptIngame
Real ComputeBackgroundSize(CMlLabel _Label, Text _Value, Real _MaxLineWidth) {
declare Real SpaceSize = _Label.ComputeWidth(" ");
declare Real MaxLineSize = 0.;
declare Real CurrentLineSize = SpaceSize;
declare Text[] Words = TL::Split("-", TL::RegexReplace("[\\s-]", _Value, "g", "-"));
foreach (Word in Words) {
declare Real CurrentWordSize = _Label.ComputeWidth(Word) + SpaceSize;
if (CurrentLineSize + CurrentWordSize < _MaxLineWidth) {
CurrentLineSize += CurrentWordSize;
} else {
CurrentLineSize = CurrentWordSize;
if (CurrentLineSize > MaxLineSize) MaxLineSize = CurrentLineSize;
return MaxLineSize;
Boolean MaximizeMinimizeWindow(CMlQuad _MaximizeButton, CMlFrame _MainUI, Vec2 _MinimizedPos, CMlQuad _Background, Vec2 _MinimizedSize) {
_MaximizeButton.StyleSelected = !_MaximizeButton.StyleSelected;
if (_MaximizeButton.StyleSelected) {
AnimMgr.Add(_MainUI, "<frame pos=\"-160 85\" />", Now, 250, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::CubicOut);
AnimMgr.Add(_Background, "<quad size=\"320 175\" />", Now, 250, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::CubicOut);
} else {
AnimMgr.Add(_MainUI, "<frame pos=\"" ^ _MinimizedPos.X ^ " " ^ _MinimizedPos.Y ^ "\" />", Now, 250, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::CubicOut);
AnimMgr.Add(_Background, "<quad size=\"" ^ _MinimizedSize.X ^ " " ^ _MinimizedSize.Y ^ "\" />", Now, 250, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::CubicOut);
return _MaximizeButton.StyleSelected;
Void SwitchToTab(Text _CurrentTab, Text _NexTab) {
declare CMlQuad Quad = (Page.GetFirstChild(_CurrentTab) as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = 0.;
Quad = (Page.GetFirstChild(_NexTab) as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = .2;
declare CMlFrame Frame = (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-rightpanel-" ^ TL::Split("-", _CurrentTab)[2]) as CMlFrame);
Frame.Visible = False;
Frame = (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-rightpanel-" ^ TL::Split("-", _NexTab)[2]) as CMlFrame);
Frame.Visible = True;
main() {
declare CMlFrame Frame_MainUI = (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-mainui") as CMlFrame);
declare CMlFrame Frame_Tooltip = (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-tooltip") as CMlFrame);
declare CMlQuad Quad_Tooltip = (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-tooltip") as CMlQuad);
declare CMlLabel Label_Tooltip = (Page.GetFirstChild("label-tooltip") as CMlLabel);
declare CMlQuad Quad_Topbar = (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-topbar") as CMlQuad);
declare CMlFrame Frame_Topbar_Buttons = (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-topbar-buttons") as CMlFrame);
declare CMlQuad Quad_Topbar_Maximize = (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-topbar-maximize") as CMlQuad);
declare CMlQuad Quad_Background = (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-background") as CMlQuad);
declare CMlQuad Quad_Border_Bottom = (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-border-bottom") as CMlQuad);
declare CMlQuad Quad_Border_Right = (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-border-right") as CMlQuad);
declare CMlQuad Quad_Corner_BottomRight = (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-corner-bottomright") as CMlQuad);
declare CMlQuad Quad_LeftPanel_Separator = (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-leftpanel-separator") as CMlQuad);
declare CMlTextEdit TextEdit_Logs = (Page.GetFirstChild("textedit-logs") as CMlTextEdit);
declare CMlEntry Entry_Bots_Name = (Page.GetFirstChild("entry-bots-name") as CMlEntry);
declare CMlEntry Entry_Bots_TeamId = (Page.GetFirstChild("entry-bots-teamid") as CMlEntry);
declare CMlEntry Entry_PlayersControl_Speed = (Page.GetFirstChild("entry-playerscontrol-speed") as CMlEntry);
declare CMlEntry Entry_PlayersControl_Steer = (Page.GetFirstChild("entry-playerscontrol-steer") as CMlEntry);
declare CMlEntry Entry_CustomEvent_Name = (Page.GetFirstChild("entry-customevent-name") as CMlEntry);
declare CMlEntry Entry_CustomEvent_Data = (Page.GetFirstChild("entry-customevent-data") as CMlEntry);
declare CMlEntry Entry_ForVars_Players = (Page.GetFirstChild("entry-forvars-player") as CMlEntry);
declare netread Text Net_DebugMode_Logs for Teams[0];
declare netread Integer Net_DebugMode_Logs_Serial for Teams[0];
declare Integer Last_Logs_Serial;
declare Boolean Last_DragAndDrop_State = False;
declare Vec2 Last_DragAndDrop_Offset;
declare Text[] Last_BorderResize_Side;
declare Vec2 Last_BorderResize_Offset;
declare Real Last_BorderResize_SizeOffset;
declare Boolean Last_IsMaximized;
declare Vec2 Last_Minimized_Size = Quad_Background.Size;
declare Vec2 Last_Minimized_Pos = <Frame_MainUI.RelativePosition_V3.X, Frame_MainUI.RelativePosition_V3.Y>;
declare Text Last_TabSelected = "quad-leftpanel-logs";
while (True) {
foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
switch (Event.Type) {
case CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseClick: {
switch (Event.Control.ControlId) {
case "quad-displaybutton": {
Frame_MainUI.Visible = !Frame_MainUI.Visible;
case "quad-topbar-quit": {
Frame_MainUI.Visible = False;
case "quad-topbar-maximize": {
Last_IsMaximized = MaximizeMinimizeWindow(Quad_Topbar_Maximize, Frame_MainUI, Last_Minimized_Pos, Quad_Background, Last_Minimized_Size);
case "quad-topbar": {
if (!Last_IsMaximized) {
Last_DragAndDrop_State = True;
Last_DragAndDrop_Offset = <Event.Control.Parent.Parent.Parent.RelativePosition_V3.X - MouseX, Event.Control.Parent.Parent.Parent.RelativePosition_V3.Y - MouseY>;
case "quad-border-bottom": {
if (!Last_IsMaximized) {
Last_BorderResize_Offset = <Event.Control.RelativePosition_V3.X - MouseX, Event.Control.RelativePosition_V3.Y - MouseY>;
case "quad-border-right": {
if (!Last_IsMaximized) {
Last_BorderResize_Offset = <Event.Control.RelativePosition_V3.X - MouseX, Event.Control.RelativePosition_V3.Y - MouseY>;
case "quad-corner-bottomright": {
if (!Last_IsMaximized) {
Last_BorderResize_Side = ["bottom","right"];
Last_BorderResize_Offset = <Event.Control.RelativePosition_V3.X - MouseX, Event.Control.RelativePosition_V3.Y - MouseY>;
case "quad-clearlogs": {
SendCustomEvent("DebugMode.ClearLogs", []);
case "quad-sendcustomevent": {
SendCustomEvent(Entry_CustomEvent_Name.Value, TL::Split(",", Entry_CustomEvent_Data.Value));
SwitchToTab(Last_TabSelected, "quad-leftpanel-logs");
Last_TabSelected = "quad-leftpanel-logs";
case "quad-forvars-dumpthis": {
SendCustomEvent("DebugMode.ForVars.Dump.This", []);
SwitchToTab(Last_TabSelected, "quad-leftpanel-logs");
Last_TabSelected = "quad-leftpanel-logs";
case "quad-forvars-dumpteams0": {
SendCustomEvent("DebugMode.ForVars.Dump.Teams0", []);
SwitchToTab(Last_TabSelected, "quad-leftpanel-logs");
Last_TabSelected = "quad-leftpanel-logs";
case "quad-forvars-dumpuiall": {
SendCustomEvent("DebugMode.ForVars.Dump.UIAll", []);
SwitchToTab(Last_TabSelected, "quad-leftpanel-logs");
Last_TabSelected = "quad-leftpanel-logs";
case "quad-forvars-autofill-me": {
Entry_ForVars_Players.Value = InputPlayer.User.Name;
case "quad-forvars-autofill-visible": {
if (GUIPlayer != Null) {
Entry_ForVars_Players.Value = GUIPlayer.User.Name;
} else {
Entry_ForVars_Players.Value = "";
if (TL::StartsWith("quad-bots-delbots-", Event.Control.ControlId)) {
SendCustomEvent("DebugMode.Bots.DelBots", [Entry_Bots_Name.Value, TL::Split("-",Event.Control.ControlId)[3]]);
SwitchToTab(Last_TabSelected, "quad-leftpanel-logs");
Last_TabSelected = "quad-leftpanel-logs";
if (TL::StartsWith("quad-bots-addbots-", Event.Control.ControlId)) {
SendCustomEvent("DebugMode.Bots.AddBots", [Entry_Bots_Name.Value, Entry_Bots_TeamId.Value, TL::Split("-",Event.Control.ControlId)[3]]);
SwitchToTab(Last_TabSelected, "quad-leftpanel-logs");
Last_TabSelected = "quad-leftpanel-logs";
if (TL::StartsWith("quad-playerscontrol-player-", Event.Control.ControlId)) {
declare Text Target = TL::Split("-",Event.Control.ControlId)[3];
if (Target != "visible" || (Target == "visible" && GUIPlayer != Null)) {
if (Target == "visible") {
Target = GUIPlayer.User.Login;
SendCustomEvent("DebugMode.PlayersControl.Set", [Entry_PlayersControl_Speed.Value, Entry_PlayersControl_Steer.Value, Target]);
if (TL::StartsWith("quad-forvars-player-", Event.Control.ControlId)) {
if (Entry_ForVars_Players.Value != "") {
SendCustomEvent("DebugMode.ForVars.Dump.Player", [Entry_ForVars_Players.Value, TL::Split("-",Event.Control.ControlId)[3]]);
SwitchToTab(Last_TabSelected, "quad-leftpanel-logs");
Last_TabSelected = "quad-leftpanel-logs";
if (Event.Control.ControlClasses.exists("leftpanel-button")) {
SwitchToTab(Last_TabSelected, Event.Control.ControlId);
Last_TabSelected = Event.Control.ControlId;
case CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseOver: {
if (Event.Control.Parent.ToolTip != "") {
Frame_Tooltip.Visible = True;
Label_Tooltip.Value = Event.Control.Parent.ToolTip;
// ComputeHeigth is bugged with multiple lines
declare Real TextWidth = Label_Tooltip.ComputeWidth(Event.Control.Parent.ToolTip) + 1.;
Label_Tooltip.Size.X = ML::Min(30., TextWidth);
if (TextWidth > 30.) {
Label_Tooltip.Size.Y = ML::ToReal(ML::FloorInteger((TextWidth / 30 + 1.) * 3.));
} else {
Label_Tooltip.Size.Y = 3.;
Quad_Tooltip.Size.X = ComputeBackgroundSize(Label_Tooltip, Event.Control.Parent.ToolTip, 30.) + .5;
Quad_Tooltip.Size.Y = Label_Tooltip.Size.Y + 1.5;
if (Event.Control.ControlClasses.exists("button")) {
declare CMlQuad Quad = (Event.Control as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = .9;
} else if (Event.Control.ControlClasses.exists("border")) {
declare CMlQuad Quad = (Event.Control as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = 1.;
} else if (Event.Control.ControlClasses.exists("leftpanel-button")) {
declare CMlQuad Quad = (Event.Control as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = .2;
case CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseOut: {
if (Event.Control.Parent.ToolTip != "") {
Frame_Tooltip.Visible = False;
if (Event.Control.ControlClasses.exists("button")) {
declare CMlQuad Quad = (Event.Control as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = .7;
} else if (Event.Control.ControlClasses.exists("border")) {
declare CMlQuad Quad = (Event.Control as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = .0;
} else if (Event.Control.ControlClasses.exists("leftpanel-button")) {
if (Last_TabSelected != Event.Control.ControlId) {
declare CMlQuad Quad = (Event.Control as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = .0;
if (Frame_Tooltip.Visible) {
Frame_Tooltip.RelativePosition_V3.X = MouseX + 5;
Frame_Tooltip.RelativePosition_V3.Y = MouseY + 1;
if (Last_DragAndDrop_State && MouseLeftButton) {
Frame_MainUI.RelativePosition_V3.X = Last_DragAndDrop_Offset.X + MouseX;
Frame_MainUI.RelativePosition_V3.Y = Last_DragAndDrop_Offset.Y + MouseY;
} else if (Last_DragAndDrop_State && !MouseLeftButton) {
Last_DragAndDrop_State = False;
Last_Minimized_Pos = <Frame_MainUI.RelativePosition_V3.X, Frame_MainUI.RelativePosition_V3.Y>;
if (Last_BorderResize_Side.count > 0 && MouseLeftButton) {
declare Vec2 PosOffset = <.5, -.5>; // Diff the size of the quad clicked
if (Last_BorderResize_Side.count == 2 ) {
Quad_Corner_BottomRight.Opacity = 1.;
PosOffset = <2., -2.>;
if (Last_BorderResize_Side.exists("right")) {
declare Real X = ML::Max(75., Last_BorderResize_Offset.X + MouseX + PosOffset.X);
Quad_Border_Right.Opacity = 1.;
Quad_Background.Size.X = X;
if (Last_BorderResize_Side.exists("bottom")) {
declare Real Y = ML::Min(-50., Last_BorderResize_Offset.Y + MouseY + PosOffset.Y);
Quad_Border_Bottom.Opacity = 1.;
Quad_Background.Size.Y = -1. * Y;
} else if (Last_BorderResize_Side.count > 0 && !MouseLeftButton) {
Quad_Corner_BottomRight.Opacity = 0.;
Quad_Border_Right.Opacity = 0.;
Quad_Border_Bottom.Opacity = 0.;
// Save pos
Last_Minimized_Size = Quad_Background.Size;
// Update sizes & pos
if (Quad_Background.Size.X != Quad_Border_Bottom.Size.X || Quad_Background.Size.Y != Quad_Border_Right.Size.Y) {
Quad_Topbar.Size.X = Quad_Background.Size.X;
Frame_Topbar_Buttons.RelativePosition_V3.X = Quad_Background.Size.X;
Quad_Border_Bottom.Size.X = Quad_Background.Size.X;
Quad_Border_Right.Size.Y = Quad_Background.Size.Y;
Quad_Border_Right.RelativePosition_V3.X = Quad_Background.Size.X - 0.5;
Quad_Border_Bottom.RelativePosition_V3.Y = -1. * Quad_Background.Size.Y + 0.5;
Quad_Corner_BottomRight.RelativePosition_V3 = <Quad_Background.Size.X - 2., -1. * Quad_Background.Size.Y + 2.>;
Quad_LeftPanel_Separator.Size.Y = Quad_Background.Size.Y - 2 - 5;
TextEdit_Logs.Size = <Quad_Background.Size.X - 28, Quad_Background.Size.Y - 12>;
TextEdit_Logs.MaxLine += 1;
Entry_CustomEvent_Name.Size.X = Quad_Background.Size.X - 28;
Entry_CustomEvent_Data.Size.X = Quad_Background.Size.X - 28;
Entry_ForVars_Players.Size.X = Quad_Background.Size.X - 28;
Entry_Bots_Name.Size.X = Quad_Background.Size.X - 28;
Entry_Bots_TeamId.Size.X = Quad_Background.Size.X - 28;
Entry_PlayersControl_Speed.Size.X = Quad_Background.Size.X - 28;
Entry_PlayersControl_Steer.Size.X = Quad_Background.Size.X - 28;
if (Last_Logs_Serial != Net_DebugMode_Logs_Serial) {
Last_Logs_Serial = Net_DebugMode_Logs_Serial;
TextEdit_Logs.Value = Net_DebugMode_Logs;
Reference in New Issue
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