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2024-02-23 10:18:50 +01:00
* EnduroCup mode
#Extends "Modes/Nadeo/Trackmania/Base/TrackmaniaRoundsBase.Script.txt"
#Const CompatibleMapTypes "TrackMania\\TM_Race,TM_Race"
#Const Version "2024-12-23"
#Const ScriptName "Modes/TM2020-Gamemodes/TM_EnduroCup.Script.txt"
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Libraries
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
#Include "TextLib" as TL
#Include "MathLib" as ML
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/CMGame/Utils/Semver.Script.txt" as Semver
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Trackmania/MainMenu/Constants.Script.txt" as MenuConsts
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Trackmania/Modes/Rounds/StateManager.Script.txt" as StateMgr
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMGame/Utils/Tracking.Script.txt" as Tracking
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMGame/Modes/Base/UIModules/Checkpoint_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_Checkpoint
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMGame/Modes/Base/UIModules/PauseMenuOnline_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_PauseMenu_Online
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Settings
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
#Setting S_CheckpointsWithoutElimination -1 as "Number of checkpoint without elimination. Negative value = Nb of Laps"
#Setting S_TimeToReachCheckpoint 30000 as "Default time to reach checkpoint in ms"
#Setting S_TimeReductionEveryCP 500 as "Reduction of time in ms applied to each checkpoint"
#Setting S_PointsLimit 0 as _("Points limit")
#Setting S_RoundsPerMap 4 as _("Number of rounds per track") ///< Number of round to play on one map before going to the next one
#Setting S_MapsPerMatch 1 as _("Number of tracks per match") ///< Number of maps to play before finishing the match
#Setting S_UseTieBreak False as _("Use tie-break") ///< Continue to play the map until the tie is broken
#Setting S_WarmUpNb 0 as _("Number of warm up")
#Setting S_WarmUpDuration 0 as _("Duration of one warm up")
#Setting S_WarmUpTimeout -1 as _("Warm up timeout")
// Default settings that sould be ignored
#Setting S_InfiniteLaps True
#Setting S_ForceLapsNb 0
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Constants
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
#Const C_ModeName "EnduroCup"
//L16N [Rounds] Description of the mode rules
#Const Description "" // TODO CHANGE
#Const C_ManiaAppUrl "file://Media/ManiaApps/Nadeo/Trackmania/Modes/Rounds.Script.txt" //< Url of the mania app
#Const C_FakeUsersNb 0
// Server can allow up to 500ms of latency from the clients, so the double should be enough
#Const C_LatencyCompensation 1000
#Const C_CleanCheckDelay 1000
#Const C_ScriptName_Timer "EnduroCup_Timer"
#Const C_PointsLimit_NotReached 0
#Const C_PointsLimit_Reached 1
#Const C_PointsLimit_Tie 2
#Const C_UploadRecord True
#Const C_DisplayRecordGhost False
#Const C_DisplayRecordMedal False
#Const C_CelebrateRecordGhost True
#Const C_CelebrateRecordMedal True
#Struct K_CheckpointState {
Integer RaceTime;
Integer TimeToReach;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Extends
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
Log::RegisterScript(ScriptName, Version);
Log::RegisterScript(Semver::ScriptName, Semver::Version);
Log::RegisterScript(ModeUtils::ScriptName, ModeUtils::Version);
Log::RegisterScript(StateMgr::ScriptName, StateMgr::Version);
MB_Settings_UseDefaultHud = True;
ClientManiaAppUrl = C_ManiaAppUrl;
// Hide SM Overlay
UIManager.UIAll.OverlayHideSpectatorInfos = True;
UIManager.UIAll.OverlayHideCountdown = True;
// Unload default UI
foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
switch (Event.Type) {
// Initialize players when they join the server
case CSmModeEvent::EType::OnPlayerAdded: {
// Initialize mode
declare netwrite K_CheckpointState[Integer] Net_EnduroCup_Checkpoints for Teams[0] = [];
Net_EnduroCup_Checkpoints = [];
declare Integer Map_ValidRoundsNb;
declare Boolean Map_Skipped;
declare Integer Map_PointsLimit = S_PointsLimit;
declare Integer Map_RoundsPerMap = S_RoundsPerMap;
declare Integer Map_MapsPerMatch = S_MapsPerMatch;
UpdateScoresTableFooter(S_PointsLimit, S_RoundsPerMap, S_MapsPerMatch, Map_ValidRoundsNb);
// Set inifinite laps (ignoring server settings)
Race::SetLapsSettings(True, 0);
Map_Skipped = True;
// Warm up
UIModules_ScoresTable::SetFooterInfo(_("Warm up"));
MB_WarmUp(S_WarmUpNb, S_WarmUpDuration * 1000, S_WarmUpTimeout * 1000);
declare Integer Round_CheckpointsWithoutElimination;
declare netwrite K_CheckpointState[Integer] Net_EnduroCup_Checkpoints for Teams[0] = [];
declare Integer Last_CheckAlivePlayers = 0;
while (Players.count < 2 && MB_MapIsRunning()) {
if (S_CheckpointsWithoutElimination < 0) {
Round_CheckpointsWithoutElimination = (Map::GetCheckpointsCount() + 1) * ML::Abs(Round_CheckpointsWithoutElimination);
} else {
Round_CheckpointsWithoutElimination = S_CheckpointsWithoutElimination;
UpdateScoresTableFooter(S_PointsLimit, S_RoundsPerMap, S_MapsPerMatch, Map_ValidRoundsNb);
// Prevent late players to spawn
foreach (Score in Scores) {
Rounds_SetCanSpawn(Score, False);
// Manage race events
foreach (Event in Race::GetPendingEvents()) {
if (Event.Player == Null) continue;
// Waypoint
if (Event.Type == Events::C_Type_Waypoint) {
if (Event.IsEndLap) {
// Update the PrevRace at each checkpoint to be able to sort scores even if someone disconnect or something
declare Integer NumberOfCP = Event.Player.RaceWaypointTimes.count;
if (Round_CheckpointsWithoutElimination < NumberOfCP) {
// Player is first
if (!Net_EnduroCup_Checkpoints.existskey(NumberOfCP) || Net_EnduroCup_Checkpoints[NumberOfCP].RaceTime > Event.RaceTime) {
Net_EnduroCup_Checkpoints[NumberOfCP] = K_CheckpointState {
RaceTime = Event.RaceTime,
TimeToReach = S_TimeToReachCheckpoint - S_TimeReductionEveryCP * (NumberOfCP - Round_CheckpointsWithoutElimination)
if (Last_CheckAlivePlayers == 0) Last_CheckAlivePlayers = Now + C_CleanCheckDelay;
} else if (Net_EnduroCup_Checkpoints[NumberOfCP].RaceTime + Net_EnduroCup_Checkpoints[NumberOfCP].TimeToReach < Event.RaceTime) {
} else if (Event.Type == Events::C_Type_GiveUp) {
// Manage mode events
foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
if (Event.HasBeenPassed || Event.HasBeenDiscarded) continue;
// Check if players need to be unspawned
if (Last_CheckAlivePlayers > 0 && Last_CheckAlivePlayers < Now) {
Last_CheckAlivePlayers = 0;
foreach (Player in Players) {
if (Player.SpawnStatus != CSmPlayer::ESpawnStatus::Spawned) continue;
// Use get because it's more optimized
declare K_CheckpointState NextCheckpointState = Net_EnduroCup_Checkpoints.get(Player.RaceWaypointTimes.count + 1, K_CheckpointState{});
if (NextCheckpointState.RaceTime == 0) continue;
if (NextCheckpointState.RaceTime + NextCheckpointState.TimeToReach + C_LatencyCompensation < Player.CurrentRaceTime) {
// Server info change
if (
Map_PointsLimit != S_PointsLimit ||
Map_RoundsPerMap != S_RoundsPerMap ||
Map_MapsPerMatch != S_MapsPerMatch
) {
Map_PointsLimit = S_PointsLimit;
Map_RoundsPerMap = S_RoundsPerMap;
Map_MapsPerMatch = S_MapsPerMatch;
UpdateScoresTableFooter(S_PointsLimit, S_RoundsPerMap, S_MapsPerMatch, Map_ValidRoundsNb);
// End the round
// If All players finished
if (Players.count > 0 && PlayersNbAlive <= 1) {
Round_Skipped = False;
// If forced end round or round skipped after pause
if (Round_ForceEndRound || Round_SkipPauseRound) {
Round_Skipped = False;
Net_EnduroCup_Checkpoints = [];
if (Semver::Compare(XmlRpc::GetApiVersion(), ">=", "2.1.1")) {
Scores::XmlRpc_SendScores(Scores::C_Section_PreEndRound, "");
if (Round_ForceEndRound || Round_SkipPauseRound || Round_Skipped) {
// Cancel points
foreach (Score in Scores) {
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Score, 0);
// Do not launch the forced end round sequence after a pause
if (!Round_SkipPauseRound) {
} else {
Map_ValidRoundsNb += 1;
// Get the last round points
UIManager.UIAll.ScoreTableVisibility = CUIConfig::EVisibility::ForcedVisible;
UIManager.UIAll.UISequence = CUIConfig::EUISequence::EndRound;
// Add them to the total scores
UIManager.UIAll.ScoreTableVisibility = CUIConfig::EVisibility::Normal;
UIManager.UIAll.UISequence = CUIConfig::EUISequence::Playing;
if (MapIsOver(S_UseTieBreak, S_PointsLimit, Map_ValidRoundsNb, S_RoundsPerMap)) {
Map_Skipped = False;
if (MatchIsOver(S_UseTieBreak, S_PointsLimit, MB_GetMapCount(), S_MapsPerMatch, S_RoundsPerMap, Map_Skipped)) MB_StopMatch();
if (!MB_MapIsRunning() && MB_MatchIsRunning()) MB_SkipPodiumSequence();
declare CSmScore Winner <=> Scores::GetBestPlayer(Scores::C_Sort_MatchPoints);
if (!MB_MatchIsRunning()) {
// Compute ranking for tracking
declare Integer PreviousPoints = 0;
declare Integer Rank = 0;
foreach (Key => Score in Scores) {
if (Key == 0 || Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score) < PreviousPoints) {
PreviousPoints = Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score);
Rank = Key + 1;
Tracking::SendPlayerMatchResult(UIManager, Score.User, Rank, Winner == Score && Scores.count > 1);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Functions
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Update the scores table footer text
* @param _PointsLimit The points limit
* @param _RoundsPerMap The number of rounds per map
* @param _MapsPerMatch The number of maps per match
* @param _ValidRoundsNb Number of valid rounds played
Void UpdateScoresTableFooter(Integer _PointsLimit, Integer _RoundsPerMap, Integer _MapsPerMatch, Integer _ValidRoundsNb) {
declare Text[] Parts;
declare Text Message = "";
if (_PointsLimit > 0) {
if (Parts.count > 0) Message ^= "\n";
Message ^= """%{{{Parts.count + 1}}}{{{_PointsLimit}}}""";
//L16N [Rounds] Number of points to reach to win the match.
Parts.add(_("Points limit : "));
if (_RoundsPerMap > 0) {
if (Parts.count > 0) Message ^= "\n";
Message ^= """%{{{Parts.count + 1}}}{{{ML::Min(_ValidRoundsNb+1, _RoundsPerMap)}}}/{{{_RoundsPerMap}}}""";
//L16N [Rounds] Number of rounds played during the track.
Parts.add(_("Rounds : "));
if (_MapsPerMatch > 0) {
if (Parts.count > 0) Message ^= "\n";
Message ^= """%{{{Parts.count + 1}}}{{{MB_GetMapCount()}}}/{{{_MapsPerMatch}}}""";
//L16N [Rounds] Number of tracks played during the match.
Parts.add(_("Tracks : "));
switch (Parts.count) {
case 0: UIModules_ScoresTable::SetFooterInfo(Message);
case 1: UIModules_ScoresTable::SetFooterInfo(TL::Compose(Message, Parts[0]));
case 2: UIModules_ScoresTable::SetFooterInfo(TL::Compose(Message, Parts[0], Parts[1]));
case 3: UIModules_ScoresTable::SetFooterInfo(TL::Compose(Message, Parts[0], Parts[1], Parts[2]));
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/// Compute round points of the prev race
Void ComputePoints() {
declare Ident[][Integer][Integer] Ranking = [];
foreach (Score in Scores) {
declare Integer NumberOfCP = Score.PrevRaceTimes.count;
declare Integer LastTime = 0;
if (NumberOfCP > 0) LastTime = Score.PrevRaceTimes[-1];
if (!Ranking.existskey(NumberOfCP)) Ranking[NumberOfCP] = [];
if (!Ranking[NumberOfCP].existskey(LastTime)) Ranking[NumberOfCP][LastTime] = [];
declare Integer[] PointsRepartition = PointsRepartition::GetPointsRepartition();
declare Integer Index = 0;
foreach (Times in Ranking.sortkeyreverse()) {
foreach (ScoresId in Times.sortkey()) {
foreach (ScoreId in ScoresId) {
if (!Scores.existskey(ScoreId)) continue;
declare CSmScore Score <=> Scores[ScoreId];
declare Integer Points = 0;
if (PointsRepartition.count > 0) {
if (PointsRepartition.existskey(Index)) {
Points = PointsRepartition[Index];
} else {
Points = PointsRepartition[-1];
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Score, Points);
Index += 1;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/// Compute the map scores
Void ComputeScores() {
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Eliminate Player
* @param _Player Player to eliminate
Void EliminatePlayer(CSmPlayer _Player) {
if (_Player.User != Null) {
UIManager.UIAll.SendChat("$f00" ^ _Player.User.Name ^" elimitated");
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Check if the points limit was reached
* @param _UseTieBreak Prevent ties or not
* @param _PointsLimit Number of points to get to win the match
* @return C_PointsLimit_Reached if the points limit is reached
* C_PointsLimit_Tie if there is a tie
* C_PointsLimit_NotReached if the points limit is not reached
Integer PointsLimitReached(Boolean _UseTieBreak, Integer _PointsLimit) {
declare Integer MaxScore = -1;
declare Boolean Tie = False;
foreach (Score in Scores) {
declare Integer Points = Scores::GetPlayerMatchPoints(Score);
if (Points > MaxScore) {
MaxScore = Points;
Tie = False;
} else if (Points == MaxScore) {
Tie = True;
if (_UseTieBreak && Tie) return C_PointsLimit_Tie; //< There is a tie and it is not allowed
if (_PointsLimit > 0 && MaxScore >= _PointsLimit) return C_PointsLimit_Reached; //< There is a points limit and it is reached
return C_PointsLimit_NotReached; //< There is no points limit or the points limit is not reached
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Check if we should go to the next map
* @param _UseTieBreak Prevent ties or not
* @param _PointsLimit Number of points to get to win the match
* @param _ValidRoundsNb Number of valid rounds played
* @param _RoundsPerMap Number of rounds to play to complete the map
* @return True if it is the case, false otherwise
Boolean MapIsOver(Boolean _UseTieBreak, Integer _PointsLimit, Integer _ValidRoundsNb, Integer _RoundsPerMap) {
declare Integer PointsLimitReached = PointsLimitReached(_UseTieBreak, _PointsLimit);
Log::Log("""[Rounds] MapIsOver() > _UseTieBreak: {{{_UseTieBreak}}} | _PointsLimit: {{{_PointsLimit}}} | _ValidRoundsNb: {{{_ValidRoundsNb}}} | _RoundsPerMap: {{{_RoundsPerMap}}} | PointsLimitReached: {{{PointsLimitReached}}}""");
if (PointsLimitReached == C_PointsLimit_Reached) return True; //< There is a points limit and it is reached
if (_RoundsPerMap > 0 && _ValidRoundsNb >= _RoundsPerMap) return True; //< There is a rounds limit and it is reached
return False;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Check if we should go to the next match
* @param _UseTieBreak Prevent ties or not
* @param _PointsLimit Number of points to get to win the match
* @param _MapsPerMatch Number of maps to play to complete a match
* @param _RoundsPerMap Number of rounds to play to complete the map
* @return True if it is the case, false otherwise
Boolean MatchIsOver(Boolean _UseTieBreak, Integer _PointsLimit, Integer _MapCount, Integer _MapsPerMatch, Integer _RoundsPerMap, Boolean _MapSkipped) {
declare Integer PointsLimitReached = PointsLimitReached(_UseTieBreak, _PointsLimit);
Log::Log("""[Rounds] MatchIsOver() > _UseTieBreak: {{{_UseTieBreak}}} | _PointsLimit: {{{_PointsLimit}}} | _MapCount: {{{_MapCount}}} | _MapsPerMatch: {{{_MapsPerMatch}}} | _RoundsPerMap: {{{_RoundsPerMap}}} | PointsLimitReached: {{{PointsLimitReached}}} | _MapSkipped : {{{_MapSkipped}}}""");
// If there is a point limit and it is reached, stop the match
if (PointsLimitReached == C_PointsLimit_Reached) {
return True;
// If there is an explicit maps limit ...
else if (_MapsPerMatch >= 1) {
if (
(_MapCount >= _MapsPerMatch && PointsLimitReached != C_PointsLimit_Tie) || //< ... stop the match if the maps limit is reached and the match is not a tie
(_MapSkipped && _MapsPerMatch == 1 && _MapCount >= _MapsPerMatch) //< ... stop the match if the map was skipped and the match is played on only one map
) {
return True;
// If there is a rounds limit but no maps limit, continue to play until another limit is reached
else if (_RoundsPerMap >= 1) {
return False;
// If there is neither a points limit nor a rounds limit, always stop the match at the end of the first map, even if there is a tie
else {
return True;
// In all other cases continue to play
return False;
Void CreateTimerUI() {
declare Text Manialink = """
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<manialink version="3" name="{{{C_ScriptName_Timer}}}">
<frame id="frame-global" pos="0 30" hidden="1">
<label id="label-timer" halign="center" valign="center" textprefix="$s" textsize="5" textfont="RajdhaniMono" textcolor="ffffff" hidden="1"/>
#Include "TextLib" as TL
#Const ScriptName {{{dump(C_ScriptName_Timer)}}}
#Const Version {{{dump(Version)}}}
main() {
log("Init "^ ScriptName ^ " v"^ Version);
declare CMlFrame Frame_Global <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-global") as CMlFrame);
declare CMlLabel Label_Timer <=> (Frame_Global.GetFirstChild("label-timer") as CMlLabel);
// Wait C++ initialize the player
wait (InputPlayer != Null);
declare netread K_CheckpointState[Integer] Net_EnduroCup_Checkpoints for Teams[0] = [];
while(True) {
if (!PageIsVisible) continue;
Frame_Global.Visible = (GUIPlayer != Null && GUIPlayer.SpawnStatus == CSmPlayer::ESpawnStatus::Spawned);
if (!Frame_Global.Visible) continue;
declare K_CheckpointState CheckpointState = Net_EnduroCup_Checkpoints.get(GUIPlayer.RaceWaypointTimes.count + 1, K_CheckpointState {});
Label_Timer.Visible = (CheckpointState.RaceTime > 0 && CheckpointState.RaceTime < GUIPlayer.CurrentRaceTime);
if (!Label_Timer.Visible) continue;
declare Integer TimeLeft = CheckpointState.RaceTime + CheckpointState.TimeToReach - GUIPlayer.CurrentRaceTime;
if (TimeLeft <= 0) {
Label_Timer.Value = "$f0000:00.000";
} else {
Label_Timer.Value = TL::TimeToText(TimeLeft, True, True);
Layers::Create(C_ScriptName_Timer, Manialink);
Layers::SetType(C_ScriptName_Timer, CUILayer::EUILayerType::Normal);