class Objects { //Items or Blocks string name; string type; int count; vec3 position; vec3 rotation; Objects(string name, string type, vec3 pos, vec3 rot ) { = name; this.type = type; this.count = 2; // Object if added only if duplicate this.position = pos; this.rotation = rot; } } enum ESortColumn { ItemName, Count } const float pi = 3.14159265359; bool include_default_blocks; bool menu_visibility = false; bool refreshobject; bool sort_reverse; bool forcesort; string infotext; array objects = {}; array sortableobjects = {}; array objectsindex = {}; int totalobjects; int computedobjects; ESortColumn sortCol = ESortColumn(-1); void Main() { while (true) { if (refreshobject) { objects.Resize(0); objectsindex.Resize(0); sortableobjects.Resize(0); RefreshBlocksAndItems(); sortableobjects = objects; refreshobject = false; } yield(); } } // Force to split the refresh functions to bypass the script execution delay on heavy maps void RefreshBlocksAndItems() { auto map = GetApp().RootMap; dictionary singleobjectdico = {}; if (map !is null) { totalobjects = map.Blocks.Length + map.AnchoredObjects.Length; computedobjects = 0; // Blocks auto blocks = map.Blocks; // Editor plugin API for GetVec3FromCoord function auto pluginmaptype = cast(cast(GetApp().Editor).PluginMapType); for(uint i = 0; i < blocks.Length; i++) { if (i % 1000 == 0) yield(); // to avoid timeout computedobjects++; string blockname; blockname = blocks[i].BlockModel.IdName; if (blockname.ToLower().SubStr(blockname.Length - 22, 22) == ".block.gbx_customblock") blockname = blockname.SubStr(0, blockname.Length - 12); vec3 pos; vec3 rot; if (blocks[i].CoordX != 4294967295 && blocks[i].CoordZ != 4294967295) { // Not placed in free mapping if (!include_default_blocks) continue; if (pluginmaptype !is null) { // Editor plugin is available pos = pluginmaptype.GetVec3FromCoord(blocks[i].Coord); } else { pos.x = blocks[i].CoordX * 32; pos.y = (blocks[i].CoordY - 8) * 8; pos.z = blocks[i].CoordZ * 32; } switch(blocks[i].BlockDir) { case CGameCtnBlock::ECardinalDirections::East: rot.x = 90; break; case CGameCtnBlock::ECardinalDirections::South: rot.x = 180; break; case CGameCtnBlock::ECardinalDirections::West: rot.x = 270; break; } } else { uint16 FreeBlockPosOffset = Reflection::GetType("CGameCtnBlock").GetMember("Dir").Offset + 0x8; uint16 FreeBlockRotOffset = FreeBlockPosOffset + 0xC; pos = Dev::GetOffsetVec3(blocks[i], FreeBlockPosOffset); rot = Dev::GetOffsetVec3(blocks[i], FreeBlockRotOffset) / pi * 180; } string uniqueid = pos.x + ";" + pos.y + ";" + pos.z + ";;" + rot.x + ";" + rot.y + ";" + rot.z + ";;"+ blockname; if (singleobjectdico.Exists(uniqueid)) { int index = objectsindex.Find(uniqueid); if (index >= 0) { objects[index].count++; } else { objects.InsertLast(Objects(blockname, "Block", pos, rot)); objectsindex.InsertLast(uniqueid); } } else { singleobjectdico.Set(uniqueid, 0); } } singleobjectdico.DeleteAll(); auto items = map.AnchoredObjects; for(uint i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { if (i % 1000 == 0) yield(); // to avoid timeout computedobjects++; string itemname = items[i].ItemModel.IdName; vec3 pos = items[i].AbsolutePositionInMap; vec3 rot; rot.x = items[i].Yaw; rot.y = items[i].Pitch; rot.z = items[i].Roll; string uniqueid = pos.x + ";" + pos.y + ";" + pos.z + ";;" + rot.x + ";" + rot.y + ";" + rot.z + ";;"+ itemname; if (singleobjectdico.Exists(uniqueid)) { int index = objectsindex.Find(uniqueid); if (index >= 0) { objects[index].count++; } else { objects.InsertLast(Objects(itemname, "Item", pos, rot)); objectsindex.InsertLast(uniqueid); } } else { singleobjectdico.Set(uniqueid, 0); } } } } bool FocusCam(vec3 position) { auto editor = cast(GetApp().Editor); auto camera = editor.OrbitalCameraControl; auto map = GetApp().RootMap; if (camera !is null) { camera.m_TargetedPosition = position; // Workaround to update camera TargetedPosition auto m_ParamScrollZoomPowe = camera.m_ParamScrollZoomPower; camera.m_ParamScrollZoomPower = 0; editor.ButtonZoomInOnClick(); camera.m_ParamScrollZoomPower = m_ParamScrollZoomPowe; return true; } return false; } void GenerateRow(Objects@ object) { if (object.count <= 1) return; UI::TableNextRow(); UI::TableNextColumn(); if (UI::Button(Icons::Search + "###Search;" + object.position.x + ";" + object.position.y + ";" + object.position.z)) { FocusCam(object.position); } if (UI::IsItemHovered() && cast(cast(GetApp().Editor).PluginMapType) is null) infotext = "Editor plugins are disabled, the coordinates of the blocks are estimated and can be imprecise"; UI::SameLine(); UI::Text(; UI::TableNextColumn(); UI::Text(object.type); UI::TableNextColumn(); UI::Text("<" + object.position.x + ", " + object.position.y + ", " + object.position.z +">"); UI::TableNextColumn(); UI::Text("<" + object.rotation.x + ", " + object.rotation.y + ", " + object.rotation.z +">"); UI::TableNextColumn(); UI::Text(Text::Format("%lld",object.count)); } void Render() { if (!menu_visibility) { return; } CGameCtnEditorFree@ editor = cast(GetApp().Editor); CGameCtnChallenge@ map = cast(GetApp().RootMap); if (map is null && editor is null) { menu_visibility = false; return; } infotext = ""; UI::SetNextWindowSize(600, 400); UI::SetNextWindowPos(200, 200, UI::Cond::Once); UI::Begin("\\$cf9" + Icons::Table + "\\$z DuplicateFinder###DuplicateFinder", menu_visibility); if (editor !is null) { if (refreshobject) { if (Time::get_Now() % 3000 > 2000) { UI::Button("Loading..."); } else if (Time::get_Now() % 3000 > 1000) { UI::Button("Loading.. "); } else { UI::Button("Loading. "); } if (UI::IsItemHovered()) infotext = "Parsing all blocks and items to generate the table. Please wait... (" + computedobjects + "/" + totalobjects + ")"; } else { if (UI::Button(Icons::SyncAlt + " Refresh")) { refreshobject = true; forcesort = true; } } UI::SameLine(); include_default_blocks = UI::Checkbox("Include Blocks not placed in Free Mapping", include_default_blocks); UI::Separator(); vec2 winsize = UI::GetWindowSize(); winsize.x = winsize.x - 10; winsize.y = winsize.y - 105; if (UI::BeginTable("DuplicateBlocksTable", 5, UI::TableFlags(UI::TableFlags::Resizable | UI::TableFlags::Sortable | UI::TableFlags::NoSavedSettings | UI::TableFlags::BordersInnerV | UI::TableFlags::SizingStretchProp | UI::TableFlags::ScrollY),winsize )) { UI::TableSetupScrollFreeze(0, 1); UI::TableSetupColumn("Block Name", UI::TableColumnFlags::None, 40.f, ESortColumn::ItemName); UI::TableSetupColumn("Type", UI::TableColumnFlags::NoSort, 10.f); UI::TableSetupColumn("Position", UI::TableColumnFlags::NoSort, 20.f); UI::TableSetupColumn("Rotation", UI::TableColumnFlags::NoSort, 20.f); UI::TableSetupColumn("Count", UI::TableColumnFlags::DefaultSort, 10.f, ESortColumn::Count); UI::TableHeadersRow(); UI::TableSortSpecs@ sortSpecs = UI::TableGetSortSpecs(); if(sortSpecs !is null && sortSpecs.Specs.Length == 1 && sortableobjects.Length > 1) { if(sortSpecs.Dirty || (forcesort && !refreshobject)) { if(sortCol != ESortColumn(sortSpecs.Specs[0].ColumnUserID) || (forcesort && !refreshobject)) { sortCol = ESortColumn(sortSpecs.Specs[0].ColumnUserID); switch(sortCol) { case ESortColumn::ItemName: sortableobjects.Sort(function(a,b) { return <; }); break; case ESortColumn::Count: sortableobjects.Sort(function(a,b) { return a.count < b.count; }); break; } if (forcesort && sort_reverse) { sortableobjects.Reverse(); } else { sort_reverse = false; } } else if (sortCol == ESortColumn(sortSpecs.Specs[0].ColumnUserID)) { sortableobjects.Reverse(); sort_reverse = !sort_reverse; } sortSpecs.Dirty = false; forcesort = false; } } if (sortableobjects.Length > 0 ) { for(uint i = 0; i < sortableobjects.Length; i++) { GenerateRow(sortableobjects[i]); } } else { for(uint i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++) { GenerateRow(objects[i]); } } UI::EndTable(); UI::Separator(); UI::Text(Icons::Info + " " + infotext); } } else { UI::Text("Open this plugin in the map editor"); } UI::End(); } void RenderMenu() { CGameCtnEditorFree@ editor = cast(GetApp().Editor); CGameCtnChallenge@ map = cast(GetApp().RootMap); if (map is null && editor is null) { return; } if(UI::MenuItem("\\$cf9" + Icons::Table + "\\$z DuplicateFinder", "", menu_visibility)) { menu_visibility = !menu_visibility; refreshobject = true; } }