maniaControl = $maniaControl;iaControl\Plugins\Plugin::getAuthor() */ public static function getAuthor() { return self::PLUGIN_AUTHOR; } /** * @see \ManiaControl\Plugins\Plugin::getDescription() */ public static function getDescription() { return 'Tool to manage the Guestlist'; } /** * @see \ManiaControl\Plugins\Plugin::load() */ public function load(ManiaControl $maniaControl) { $this->maniaControl = $maniaControl; $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_GUESTLIST_FILE, "guestlist.txt", 'guestlist file', 10); $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_LOAD_AT_START, false, 'Load guestlist file at maniacontrol start', 20); $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_ADD_ADMINS, false, 'Due to a bug, player can join a server without being guestlisted. This setting is to prevent this.', 90); $this->maniaControl->getAuthenticationManager()->definePluginPermissionLevel($this, self::SETTING_ADMIN_LEVEL, AuthenticationManager::AUTH_LEVEL_MODERATOR); $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_ENFORCE_GUESTLIST, false, 'Due to a bug, player can join a server without being guestlisted. This setting is to prevent this.', 110); $this->maniaControl->getCommandManager()->registerCommandListener(['gladdall', 'addalltogl'], $this, 'handleAddAll', true, 'Add all connected players to the guestlist'); $this->maniaControl->getCommandManager()->registerCommandListener(['gladd', 'addtogl'], $this, 'handleAdd', true, 'Add player to the guestlist'); $this->maniaControl->getCommandManager()->registerCommandListener(['glremove', 'gldelete', 'removefromgl', 'deletefromgl'], $this, 'handleRemove', true, 'Remove player to the guestlist'); $this->maniaControl->getCommandManager()->registerCommandListener(['glsave', 'savegl'], $this, 'handleSave', true, 'Save the guestlist file'); $this->maniaControl->getCommandManager()->registerCommandListener(['glload', 'loadgl'], $this, 'handleLoad', true, 'Load the guestlist file'); $this->maniaControl->getCommandManager()->registerCommandListener(['glclear', 'glclean', 'cleangl'], $this, 'handleClear', true, 'Clear the guestlist'); $this->maniaControl->getCommandManager()->registerCommandListener(['glkickall'], $this, 'handleKickAll', true, 'Kick non-guestlisted players'); $this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(AuthenticationManager::CB_AUTH_LEVEL_CHANGED, $this, 'handleAuthLevelChanged'); $this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(PlayerManager::CB_PLAYERCONNECT, $this, 'handlePlayerConnect'); $this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(SettingManager::CB_SETTING_CHANGED, $this, 'handleSettingChanged'); if ($this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_LOAD_AT_START)) { $guestlist = $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_GUESTLIST_FILE); if ($guestlist === "" || is_file($this->maniaControl->getServer()->getDirectory()->getUserDataFolder() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Config" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $guestlist)) { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->loadGuestList($guestlist); } } $this->addAdminsToGuestlist(); $this->maniaControl->getTimerManager()->registerTimerListening($this, function () { if (!$this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_ENFORCE_GUESTLIST)) return; if (!$this->checkNonGuestlistedPlayers) return; $this->checkNonGuestlistedPlayers = false; $this->kickNonGuestlistedPlayers(); }, 1000); } /** * @see \ManiaControl\Plugins\Plugin::unload() */ public function unload() { } /** * handle Add All to GL command * * @param array $chat * @param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player */ public function handleAddAll(Array $chat, Player $player) { $players = $this->maniaControl->getPlayerManager()->getPlayers(); $guestlist = $this->maniaControl->getClient()->getGuestList(); $i = 0; foreach ($players as &$index) { if ($this->addLoginToGL($index->login, $guestlist)) { $i++; } } Logger::log('Adding all connected players to the guestlist by '. $player->nickname); $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendSuccess("All connected players have been added to the Guestlist"); $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendSuccess( "Added: " . $i . "/" . count($players), $player); } /** * handle Add GL command * * @param array $chat * @param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player */ public function handleAdd(Array $chat, Player $player) { $command = explode(" ", $chat[1][2]); $playerToAdd = $command[1]; if (empty($playerToAdd)) { $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError("You must set the login or the nickname as argument", $player); } else { $mysqli = $this->maniaControl->getDatabase()->getMysqli(); $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT `login` FROM `' . PlayerManager::TABLE_PLAYERS . '` WHERE nickname LIKE ? LIMIT 1;'); $stmt->bind_param('s', $playerToAdd); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $array = mysqli_fetch_array($result); if (isset($array[0])) { $login = $array[0]; } elseif (strlen($playerToAdd) == 22) { $login = $playerToAdd; } if ($mysqli->error) { trigger_error($mysqli->error, E_USER_ERROR); } if (!isset($login)) { $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError("Player not found. Use the nickname of already connected player or just their login", $player); } else { if ($this->addLoginToGL($login)) { Logger::log('Player "'. $playerToAdd .'" added to the guestlist by '. $player->nickname); $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendSuccess('Player "' . $playerToAdd . '" added to the Guestlist', $player); } else { $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendSuccess('Player "' . $playerToAdd . '" already in the Guestlist', $player); } } } } /** * Add login to the guestlist * * @param string $login * @param array $guestlist */ public function addLoginToGL(String $login, ?array $guestlist = null) { if ($guestlist === null) { $guestlist = $this->maniaControl->getClient()->getGuestList(); } if (!in_array($login, array_column($guestlist, 'login'))) { Logger::log('Player "'. $login .'" added to the guestlist'); $this->maniaControl->getClient()->addGuest($login); $this->checkNonGuestlistedPlayers = true; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * handle Remove from GL command * * @param array $chat * @param Player $player * @return void */ public function handleRemove(Array $chat, Player $player) { $command = explode(" ", $chat[1][2]); $playerToRemove = $command[1]; if (empty($playerToRemove)) { $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError("You must set the login or the nickname as argument", $player); } else { $mysqli = $this->maniaControl->getDatabase()->getMysqli(); $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT `login` FROM `' . PlayerManager::TABLE_PLAYERS . '` WHERE nickname LIKE ? LIMIT 1;'); $stmt->bind_param('s', $playerToRemove); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $array = mysqli_fetch_array($result); if (isset($array[0])) { $login = $array[0]; } elseif (strlen($playerToRemove) == 22) { $login = $playerToRemove; } if ($mysqli->error) { trigger_error($mysqli->error, E_USER_ERROR); } if (!isset($login)) { $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError('Player not found. Use the nickname of already connected player or just their login', $player); } else { if ($this->removeLoginFromGL($login)) { Logger::log('Player "'. $playerToRemove .'" removed from the guestlist by '. $player->nickname); $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendSuccess('Player "' . $playerToRemove . '" removed to the Guestlist', $player); } else { $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendSuccess('Player "' . $playerToRemove . '" not in the Guestlist', $player); } } } } /** * Remove login from the guestlist * * @param string $login * @param array $guestlist */ public function removeLoginFromGL(String $login, ?array $guestlist = null) { if ($guestlist === null) { $guestlist = $this->maniaControl->getClient()->getGuestList(); } if (in_array($login, array_column($guestlist, 'login'))) { Logger::log('Player "'. $login .'" removed from the guestlist'); $this->maniaControl->getClient()->removeGuest($login); $this->checkNonGuestlistedPlayers = true; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * hangle Load GL command * * @param array $chat * @param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player */ public function handleLoad(Array $chat, Player $player) { $guestlist = ''; $text = explode(" ",$chat[1][2]); if (count($text) > 1 && $text[1] != "") { $guestlist = $text[1]; if (substr($guestlist , -4) != ".txt" && substr($guestlist , -4) != ".xml") { $guestlist .= ".txt"; } } else { $guestlist = $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_GUESTLIST_FILE); } try { if ($guestlist === "") { Logger::log('Player "'. $player->nickname .'" loaded default guestlist'); $this->maniaControl->getClient()->loadGuestList(); $this->checkNonGuestlistedPlayers = true; } else { $filepath = $this->maniaControl->getServer()->getDirectory()->getUserDataFolder() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Config" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $guestlist; if (is_file($filepath)) { Logger::log('Player "'. $player->nickname .'" loaded guestlist file: '. $guestlist); $this->maniaControl->getClient()->loadGuestList($guestlist); $this->checkNonGuestlistedPlayers = true; } else { $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError("No guestlist file: ". $filepath, $player); Logger::logError("Can't load guestlist, no file: ". $filepath); } } $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendSuccess("Guestlist loaded!", $player); } catch (\Throwable $th) { $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError("Can't load guestlist: ". $th->getMessage(), $player); Logger::logError("Can't load guestlist: ". $th->getMessage()); } } /** * handle Save GL command * * @param array $chat * @param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player */ public function handleSave(Array $chat, Player $player) { $guestlist = ''; $text = explode(" ",$chat[1][2]); if (count($text) > 1 && $text[1] != "") { $guestlist = $text[1]; if (substr($guestlist , -4) != ".txt" && substr($guestlist , -4) != ".xml") { $guestlist .= ".txt"; } } else { $guestlist = $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_GUESTLIST_FILE); } if ($guestlist === "") { $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError('No guestlist file provided'); return; } try { $filepath = $this->maniaControl->getServer()->getDirectory()->getUserDataFolder() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Config" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $guestlist; $directory = dirname($filepath); /** * The server can't save a file if it was not loaded before: * this is a workaround */ if (!is_dir($directory)) { mkdir($directory, 0755, true); } if (!is_file($filepath)) { file_put_contents($filepath, ''); } // Workaround when the file was never loaded by the server $currentguestlist = $this->maniaControl->getClient()->getGuestList(); $this->maniaControl->getClient()->loadGuestList($guestlist); $this->maniaControl->getClient()->cleanGuestList(); foreach ($currentguestlist as $guest) { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->addGuest($guest->login); } Logger::log('Player "'. $player->nickname .'" saved guestlist file: '. $guestlist); $this->maniaControl->getClient()->saveGuestList($guestlist); $this->checkNonGuestlistedPlayers = true; $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendSuccess("Guestlist saved!", $player); } catch (\Exception $e) { Logger::logError("Impossible to save guestlist: " . $e->getMessage()); $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError("Impossible to save guestlist: " . $e->getMessage(), $player); } } /** * handle Clear GL command * * @param array $chat * @param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player */ public function handleClear(Array $chat, Player $player) { Logger::log('Guestlist cleared by '. $player->nickname); $this->maniaControl->getClient()->cleanGuestList(); $this->checkNonGuestlistedPlayers = true; $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendSuccess("Guestlist cleaned!", $player); if ($this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_ADD_ADMINS)) { $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendSuccess("Re-adding admins to the guestlist", $player); $this->addAdminsToGuestlist(); } } /** * handle Kick non-guestlisted players command * * @param array $chat * @param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player */ public function handleKickAll(Array $chat, Player $player) { Logger::log('All non-guestlisted players kicked by '. $player->nickname); $kicked = $this->kickNonGuestlistedPlayers(); $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendSuccess($kicked . ' players kicked', $player); } /** * Kick non-guestlist players from the server * * @return int */ private function kickNonGuestlistedPlayers() { $kicked = 0; $guests = array_column($this->maniaControl->getClient()->getGuestList(), 'login'); foreach ($this->maniaControl->getPlayerManager()->getPlayers() as $player) { if (!in_array($player->login, $guests)) { try { Logger::log('Player "'. $player->nickname .'" kicked from the server as not guestlisted'); $this->maniaControl->getClient()->kick($player->nickname, "You are not guestlisted on the server"); $kicked++; } catch (\Throwable $th) { Logger::logError("Can't kick ". $player->nickname .": ". $th->getMessage()); } } } return $kicked; } /** * add Admins to GL * * @param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player */ private function addAdminsToGuestlist() { if (!$this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_ADD_ADMINS)) return; $guestlist = $this->maniaControl->getClient()->getGuestList(); foreach ($this->maniaControl->getAuthenticationManager()->getAdmins() as $admin) { if ($this->maniaControl->getAuthenticationManager()->checkRight($admin, $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_ADMIN_LEVEL))) continue; $this->addLoginToGL($admin->login, $guestlist); } } /** * handle Auth Level changed callback * * @param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player */ public function handleAuthLevelChanged(Player $player) { if (!$this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_ADD_ADMINS)) return; $guestlist = $this->maniaControl->getClient()->getGuestList(); $isGuestlisted = in_array($player->login, array_column($guestlist, 'login')); $isAdmin = $this->maniaControl->getAuthenticationManager()->checkRight($player,$this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_ADMIN_LEVEL)); if (!$isGuestlisted && $isAdmin) { $this->addLoginToGL($player->login, $guestlist); $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendSuccessToAdmins('New admin "'. $player->nickname . '" automatically added to the guestlist'); Logger::log('New admin "'. $player->nickname . '" automatically added to the guestlist'); } else if ($isGuestlisted && !$isAdmin) { $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendErrorToAdmins('Non-admin "'. $player->nickname . '" is still in the guestlist. Remove them manually if needed'); } } /** * handle Player connect callback */ public function handlePlayerConnect() { if (!$this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_ENFORCE_GUESTLIST)) return; $this->checkNonGuestlistedPlayers = true; } /** * handle Setting changed callback */ public function handleSettingChanged() { if (!$this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_ENFORCE_GUESTLIST)) return; $this->checkNonGuestlistedPlayers = true; } }